~Chapter 13~

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((Hey my wolves! How's it going? Well, I wanted to give you a heads up, this story is ending soon... Because I have plans for ANOTHER book to add to the "Behind The Mask" series!! I dont know how many books there will be, but I do know that there will be at LEAST 3 books... And if I come up with another wicked adventure for the lovely couple, I'll make more books! But anyways, ON WITH DA STORY))

??? POV

"SHE CANNOT DIE!!" I yelled demonically, slamming my balled up fist on my blood red desk,

"S-Sir... Its true.... (Y/n) is dying. And there's nothing we can do... I-i'm s-sorry... S-sir..." My second in command told me, he looked up at me with sadness and regret in his blood red eyes, I sigh, sitting down in my chair,

"I do NOT wish to bother Zalgo, just to make another damn deal..." I sigh, rubbing my temples with my pointer fingers,

"U-Understood... W-We'll try e-everything we can.... Sir..." He bows his head, turning to leave,

"Oh, and Lakonti..." I said his name he turns his head, looking at me worriedly,

"Yes? Sir?" He fully turns to face me,

"Dont tell the others... Keep this just between us... Is that clear?" I fold my hands infront of me on my desk,

He nods, "crystal... Sir." I nod to him,

"You are dismissed." He bows, turning once again, leaving me alone in my dark, blood red office, I lean back in my black computer chair, throwing my feet up onto my desk, I examine my feet yet again,

Their hoove like features make it look like I'm a flipping horse... Which I'm not... There's ram fur from my 'hooves' up to my ankles, that's where my black jeans start, I sigh. I look at my hands, seeing their claw like nails with my dark brown skin, the dress shirt I wore was slightly baggy, cause it was a little too big.

"I'll have to ask Brin to get me a size smaller..." I sigh, Brin is my trusted fighter, she gets things for me when I ask her too. I spin around in my chair, facing the window, and since it was dark out, I could see my reflection staring back at me, my horns curled around my pointed ears slightly, my black eyes with gold pupils looking tired and dull. I close my eyes, rubbing them with my finger and thumb. I stand up, and being as tall as I am I must duck under the 6 foot tall door frame. I exit my office, only to bump into someone, to tire to care I look at them,

"I-I am s-so s-sorry s-sir!" It was a female voice,

I sigh, "its alright. It was my fault this time. Please. Just carry on..." I say, standing up fully, the worker nods, quickly walking away down a hall. I scratch the back of my head, her voice almost sounded like Brin... Probably was her... I shrug and walk to my room, telling the guards to take a brake after I was in my room, they nod. I hear them walk away as soon as I lock my door. I fall backwards on my large red and white bed, I sigh closing my eyes.

(Y/n)' POV

Darkness, its the only thing I see, there's no more sounds, no more smells, no more pain, no more suffering. I feel myself being pulled somewhere, being to weak I let it the darkness started to fade into light, am I... Dead?

"You are not dead... Yet." A voice says behind me, sounding dark, almost evil like. I shoot around, opening my eyes to come face to face with a very tall man with red eyes, shark like teeth, jagged looking hair, and he wore a turtle neck with a biker jacket over it, black jeans and combat boots, he also had a choker on. I gulp,

"W-Who are you." I ask, evern though I stuttered from fear of this man, I still made my voice sound strong,

"Well, i'm just here as a guide... Nothing special...." He shrugs, taking a step closer as I take a step back, "what? Afraid of me are we now?" He chuckles darkly, I glare at him,

"Who. Are. You." I ask again, wanting a real answer, he sighs,

"Fine..." He extends his hand out to me,
"The names' Zilon. Dont worry about introducing yourself... I already know who you are (y/n)." He smiles warmly this time, I take his hand hesitantly, shaking it,

"Zilon...?" I question, why does that name sound familiar...?

He raises an eyebrow, then chuckles,
"I am the son of Zalgo... But since I 'wasnt a good son' he casted me out into the real world... Saying I wasnt evil enough for him." He shrugs, shoving his hands into the biker jacket pockets,

"So thats why I thought I recognized you." I chuckle softly, he chuckles also,

"Yea... Kinda sucks I look almost identical to him.." He sighs, "but to the point to why I'm here as a guide..." I tilt my head slightly, listening,

"You can either choose one or the other..." He lifts his hands from his pockets, two doors appear,
"But... Once you choose... There's no turning back..." He says, a slight pain in his voice, I nod,

"What are these... 'Options'?" I ask, looking and examining the two doors, one was red while the other was white... What... Am I supposed to pick heaven or hell??? Pfft! That'll be easy!

"The first option... The white door..." He pauses,
"You can be reborn into a new life but... You'll forget everything you know." After hearing the first option, I felt my heart sink, he then looks to the red door,

"Or... You can choose to keep your memories... But become one of them... Killing and feeding off people..." He looks at me,

"There's only one choice..."

((So... Which one will YOU choose? Comment below! I wanna see what ya'll want, do you as the reader want to become a CP like the rest? Or start over in a new life?
Hint, hint... One of these... if you choose correctly.... will lead to book 3 *wink wink*

*coughs* anyways let's see what ya'll choose.... °^π^°

Behind the War. BOOK 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora