~Chapter 2~

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~3rd pov~

The groups charged each other, the moment they clashed together it was endless, Jack and (y/n) taking on everyone and everything in their path. Slenderman and the others slaying whom they missed, but the supernatural army was endless, no matter how many they slayed it seemed like more came, and more and more... the only problem was the three ancients they had, dragon, fanged eagle and that humongous leopard like creature that's the size of a T-Rex. Our allies were having troubles taking them down, it was such a hard battle... let's hope we make it through this alive...

~a few hours later... (cause I don't wanna make a bloody scene yet.)~

The battle was ended as countless were injured... there was nothing more we could do, there was still hundreds of thousands of the enemy... but so little of us, most if us are injured... but some, I cannot say still live. Sally survived very little, Ben the same. Slender was the only one that wasn't hurt to bad, jeff and L.j. have a few broken bones. E.j. I can't find him, same with smile dog, dr. Smiley, and many others... but what hurt me the most was when Jack fell...


We were an hour into the battle swinging sword left and right, as we were running along the bloody path something charged from our right and ripped jack of the back of his great beast, i ran and ran as fast as i could to catch him... but i couldn't...

"JACK!!!!!" I yelled through my tears and all I heard him say was...

"Stay safe for me..." and his black tears hit the ground where my feet were, then I slipped and fell, I looked up and I watched as the beast carried him off into the woods... I screamed as i punched the ground. I got up and slowly walked back to the field where everyone was still fighting, that's when rage boiled in me and I black out waking up at the end...

~Flashback ended~

I walked over the jacks pet, I bent down and looked at him, he was only scrapped, I helped him stand,

"Is it alright that I call you stone?" I asked the beast, and it nodded his head saying yes. I got up on Stone and took off, but one thing I forgot, as i ran after that beast i got a few patches of skin off of it when it rammed into a tree, I gave it to stone and he caught a sent ((or whatever you wanna call it.)) and started running faster. He knew Jack was in trouble.

As we ran through the woods i felt like we were either being watched or.... followed. I whispered a warning to Stone and he slowed down, almost to a complete stop. I looked around and finally spoke,

"Whoever you are... show yourself." I said getting an angry aura like feeling around me,

"Ahahahaha... I'm not here to harm you.... (y/n)..." the voice was demonic, and very deep. It sounded so familiar... to familiar.

"What do you want..." I paused,

"Zalgo..." i turned to see the great red demon standing behind me, Stone growled,

"Shut it mutt." Zalgo spoke and Stone went quite, "I only ask to help." He stepped forwards and we stepped back,

"Help with what." I growled and he chuckled,

"The war, it's going to be to hard to reason with slenderman, but you~" he paused and grinned,

"You can talk slender into letting the underworld help in this war, and after that, we won't bother you again..." he raised his right hand as in a swear,

"And what if we reject?" I spoke in fear yet anger.

"Then we will hunt your real form and kill you... permanently..." Zalgo growled,

My heart dropped, all the anger I felt went into fear... I didn't want to die... not yet, I'm not ready... I got up on Stone and sent daggers at Zalgo,

"Then if you want to help us in this war... then help me get E.J. back." I glared at him and he bowed,

"Deal" Zalgo growled in a deeper voice and followed after me and stone... this hunt for jack, it was Only beginning...

Yay, finally had enough brain JUICE to make this chapter XD, theres gonna be slow updates from now until this karma is over, I'm having so many pains and problems... really gotta hate Karma huh? Well, i'll see you all in the next chapter bye!!


PS sorry for short chap...

Behind the War. BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now