~Chapter 12~

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I am soooo sorry for the super long wait my wolf pack, ((that's what i'mma call y'all)) I've been terribly busy this entire summer, and I've just had no internet too, Babysitting my little sister, freaking out cause a family member had to go to the hospital ((which she is totally fine now)) power outs blah blah, yea... Totally busy
T-T super sorry for making you all wait so long... But anyways, enjoy the story! °^~^°

~(y/n) pov~

I sit looking out the window, watching the clouds float by, my vision had started to blur, I would freak out a little, causing my heart to speed up on the heart monitor, making the nurse also freak out a little, the blurry vision, pounding head aches and pains through my body are telling me that... I'm going to die soon... I felt a ghostly tear fall down my cheek, I quickly wipe it away when I see someone walk in, they had blue eyes with long brown hair, they wore a white hoodie and black jeans, black combat boots. They almost reminded me of someone... But who?

That's also another thing... I've been having memory loss, but the memories would come back an hour later...

"Hey (y/n)... You probably dont recognize me without my... Beautiful smile..." The boy chuckles, hearing his joke I instantly remember,

"Really Jeff?" I laugh, he looked up, seeing my monitor heart sped up a little, signalling I was laughing, he smiles.

"I came to check up on ya, Slendy said he would have but... He was busy..." He made a face, almost looking distressed, then he sighs,
"He told me not to tell you but.. Its E.j... He's..... Gone missing." I felt my heart crack,

"W-Wha....." I gasped out,

"He's been gone for a few days now... We thought he was at his cabin, he wasnt there... We checked the mansion, he... Wasnt there... Slender said he couldn't feel his presence in the forest..." Jeff looks at my body with sadness in his eyes,

"What happened to him..." He whispers, I feel myself pull to him, lifting my hand and gently placing it on his shoulder,

He flinches slightly, looking to his shoulder, he smiles,

"He'll return Jeff.... J-Just give him time.... I know he'll return..." Almost if he could hear me he chuckles, then node with a sigh, placing his hand over his shoulder where my ghostly hand is,

"Yea... Maybe you're right..." He stands up and pulls something from his back pocket, walking to my body that lays on the hospital bed, he places a necklace around my neck, I feel the presence of it. A ghost version of the necklace appears on me, I lift it up, realizing the design that was on the small circle on the silver chain...

It was a Yin-Yang,
((You can change this if you wish to something better :P))

I smile, lifting it off my chest looking down at it in my hand,

"E.j wanted you to have it... He was going to give it to you on Christmas day but... Ya know... You kinda disappeared on us." He chuckles, I smile more as I look up at Jeff, letting the necklace fall down to my pale skin,

"Thank you...." I whisper to myself, looking to the wall where the words were still at, looking to the side of it where I had drawn the love of my life, E.J.... He is someone I would never forget, even if I died and came back. I would never forget him, his shaggy brown hair, navy blue mask... Black hoodie, jeans and converses... His smile... His 'eyes'... I remember when I first seen his 'human' form, his beautiful sky blue eyes, tanned skin... His hair still the same, falling down just an inch under his ear. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly, I chuckle. My vision goes blurry and I fall, catching myself on the wall, I start breathing heavily, the blur in my eyes getting worse, a sharp pain goes through my chest, causing tears to fall from my eyes to the ground, I take shaky breaths as I try to calm down, but it only worsened, I feel my legs give out under me, causing me to fall. I landed on my back, I can hear my heart beat...

Thump thump...

Thump... Thump...




Then a loud ringing sounds in my ears, the noise sounding familiar...


The monitor that was monitoring my heart made it's noise, causing doctors to rush in, Jeff started to freak out, I could hear faint voices...

"...DOc......she........dy.....ng.....!" That's when my vision went black,

Jeff's POV


Her heart stopped beating,

"No....." And for the first time... I felt my face get wet, the first time i've cried in... How long? Lost track... I felt my mind slip away, its like everything was happening in slow motion, the doctors and nurses running in, pulling me out of the room, I fought against them but... I was too weak in human form... And I didnt feel like getting caught, after they pull me out and to the waiting room, I sit down, feeling light headed, the tears wouldn't stop flowing. Falling down my face to my legs and to the floor.

"This... This can't be happening..." I say to myself, not realizing many people in the waiting room were looking at me terrified, I look at them,

"Got a staring problem!?" I yell at them all, they flinch, I seen one of them pull out their phones, I heard the special 3 digit number,

'Why the hell...?' I think to myself as I see myself in the window,

"Fück..." I say aloud, seeing my familiar beautiful face, I hadent realized I went killer again... Woops. I stood up, walking to the waiting room door, just before the person calling 911, I look at him,

"I'm leaving. Dont fücking think about calling. Dont waste your time." There was still tears falling from my eyes as I turned and walked out, the moment I exited the hospital I bolted into the woods, I needed to find E.J....


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