~Chapter 10~

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I sat in my hospital room, awaiting for Jack to come and visit... i was staring at the wall where i wrote the words...

"I will always love you... No matter how far I fly I will still soar through your sky, I will always watch over you.... My love..."

I smiled as I read the words to myself,

"heh... its such a true statement..." I looked over to the door when it opened, it was a nurse... i sighed, the only one who could see me was that Doctor. I stood up and followed her as she did her job, i actually liked watching them all at work, they seem so determined to save everyone... but sadly they have no clue that I, myself... is also dying... i stopped following her as she left. i went back over to my bed and sat down. I looked down at my body, im used to seeing my own body now... it feels like its been a year since i went into a coma... but the question is... How did i even become a ghost in the first place? What happened to me the day i went into my coma?


Me and my friend... we were going somewhere.... a winter festival? Yea... The Winter Festival. nut something brought me to tell her to pull over, and she did. I got out and started to walk into the woods, and she followed, continuously asking me where i was going... there was a smell of blood.... and it was strong. I kept walking and walking until I came upon a clearing... then there sat someone, covered in their own blood. Wore all black and had a navy blue mask....

"Jack!" I ran over to him, he grunted when i reached him... i started freaking out, my friend came running out of the woods,

"oh my god!" she knelt down next to me helping me hold him down, he hissed in pain, i don't know what happened... but something came over me and i placed my right hand over where his heart was, and one on his forehead. Then there was a bright flashed of white... then darkness....

Then next thing i knew i was waking up in a pitch black cave... i stood up and wondered around the cave, soon finding a way out but heard a very low growl from inside the cave, i froze, i slowly turn around to see a pitch black creature of shadow behind me with large glowing red eyes, watching me like i was lunch. I screamed and ran, it chased after me roaring as its large paws smashed against the ground, making the ground shake slightly, i continued to run when an idea came to me,

"JACK!" i cried out, hoping he would hear me some how, i kept screaming and yelling, but no one came... (Hah! Anyone get that refrence? lmao) I felt tears well up in my eyes as i continued running, the shadow right on my tail, i could tell by the dangerously loud roars from behind, the wind blew past like when you were on a roller coaster, and it was going downhill for hours upon hours... But what i didn't know... was i was running in a full sprint for days... weeks.... heck, maybe even a month... i couldn't tell, all i felt was fear and sorrow for i thought my life would end that day...

~Flashback end~

I felt a few tears as i remembered the fear that was built up inside me, now thinking back to that creature... it almost reminded me of a hell hound... could it have been a hell hound? i sigh, i just wish Jack was here...

~Jacks pov!~

I ran through the forest as fast as i could, this forest i was running through was forbidden by Slenderman himself, he told us all not to EVER enter the forest, not even for the most desirable importance...  Well, sorry Slender... but this means way to much to me to listen to such a rule. I mean yea, i could be thrown into Zalgo's 'Hell' for years, maybe even centuries, but i can't simply leave her in a coma the rest of her life, sooner or later those doctors that are supposed to save her life would just end it in a flash of one plug...

I have to do this,

i WILL do this,

I'll do it for her...

For (y/n)...

((Soooooo sorry for the long wait! I couldn't be on for a quite some time, but im still not allowed on lol... so i got a feeling I gonna be in trouble.... but idc i couldn't leave you all hanging... so enjoy!))  

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