twelve; real life

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YOU'RE MARRIED?  was the automatic reaction of Caterina's father as he stared at Caterina and Sebastian, who sat awkwardly on the couch of her childhood home, hands intertwined between them. She laughed uncomfortably, running her free hand through her hair. Since they had been caught kissing outside, it was only a downward spiral. She had hoped for understanding, but honestly, didn't she know better by now?

"Dad, I promise you it's not as bad as it sounds. We all knew it was inevitable anyways. We're Sebastian&Caterina. There's not one without the other. You know it, I know it, he knows it, half the world knows it. We all knew that somewhere along the way, at some point, Seb and I would end up dating. So really, we did us all a favor. We just dated quietly and got married. No big deal."

Caterina Marino- no, Stan- had been known for her overwhelming anxiety about confrontations, especially when it came to her parents. This was no different, so she really didn't know why she was talking like this type of thing happened every day, because it didn't. It especially didn't happen in her family, or to people around them. Sometimes she really wished her family wasn't so traditional, but she couldn't change that now. She could only talk her way out, which was exactly what she was doing.

"No big deal? Caterina, getting a free sandwich is no big deal. Going to Kentucky for a few days for your job is no big deal. But marriage? That's a pretty big deal."

She could feel it as he spoke, how her dad's temper was rising. Caterina winced, trying to ignore how she felt like she was twelve again. She loved him, and he would never hurt her, but every time anyone rose their voice, she was reminded of a time she was helpless. Sebastian knew this, and with one look at her face, he automatically took over the conversation.

"Mr. Marino," he started, giving Caterina's hand a quick squeeze, "I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience I'm sure this has caused. We didn't mean it at all. I'm sure we can talk about this later though; the food is getting cold no doubt, and I'd hate to waste what Mrs. Marino has been preparing."

"Oh right, of course. This will be continued," her father replied, going to the kitchen to talk to his wife. Once he was gone, Cat let out an audible sigh.

"Thank you, Seb," she muttered, leaning her head on his shoulder. He smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"Any time, love. Any time."


Dinner was awkward, to say the least. Dante shot daggers at Sebastian, and Adelina was just trying to make casual conversation in the hopes that her husband would relax and let it go. Secretly, Adelina was overjoyed that it was Sebastian; he had always been an influence that Caterina needed. Of course, she would never mention it to Dante, not now. But Adelina did help the couple, doing her best to usher them out of the house as soon as possible. Caterina thanked her with her eyes, holding tight to Sebastian's arm as he received glares from Dante. Really, she didn't get the big deal; he had always liked Sebastian, or so she thought.

Arriving at Sebastian's home, they were greeted by his mother, who quickly retired to bed after she saw them return. She still worried, as most mothers tend to; she saw them as the little kids she had protected rather than the couple who didn't need protecting. She left them alone, though, knowing by the look on Sebastian's face that they needed to talk.

"So, that went-"

"Horribly?" Caterina interjected, chuckling softly. "I didn't expect that to be his reaction. Like, I expected him to be mad, but not... not furious."

Sebastian led her up the stairs with a soft laugh, the two entering his room as he replied, "He'll come around, Cat. He always does. You're his only daughter."

"But not his only child," she replied, glancing over as he tugged his shirt over his head. "Trust me, I'm sure he's much happier with Luca."

"Well, is Luca home?" Sebastian asked, and she rolled her eyes, moving to get a pair of pajamas from the drawer.

"No, but not by choice. He's deployed, remember?"

"Right," he said softly, glancing over at her. He knew talking about it made her tense, so he was quick to change the subject. "So... did you mean what you said? About us?"

"What did I say?" she replied, knowing so well what she had said but wanting to hear it from his lips.

"That it was inevitable. Us."

Her response of silence engulfed him, allowed him to writhe in the idea that she didn't mean a word she said. That it was all to get her dad off her back. That the feelings he felt for her since they accidentally got married- since they graduated high school, actually- were one sided. He couldn't stand it.

"You know, forget I said anything." he sighed, moving to take a pillow from the bed. "I'll go sleep downstairs, so it isn't awkward or anything, I'm just being stupid anywa-"

"I love you." her words stopped him cold, made him turn and watch her. She was insistent, her eyes wide and begging him to stay, stay, stay. To let her explain why she had hesitated. And Sebastian knew he had to. He had to hear her out.

"What?" he asked incredulously, stepping toward her. She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"I love you, Sebastian Stan. You drive me up a wall every time you talk, and your stupid Romanian jokes make me want to punch you, and honestly I'm still kind of annoyed I had to befriend someone so hot, but I love you. So much. And I swear, if you make fun of me for being soft, I will not hesitate to cut you, or say 'ready to comply', or whatever at this point because I am trying to be honest with you, and it's really fricking hard to admit that because there's the chance you don't love me, and I just- I love you, Seb. Of course I meant what I said. Please tell me you love me, too."

He smiled, something wildly radiant and slightly confused. She looked so soft, so terrified of rejection as she looked up at him, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," he started, earning a glare from her, "and it was still full of insults."

"Maybe I should go," she replied, and he held out a hand, catching her arm.

"Don't. I love you, too, Caterina. Always have, always will." he smiled, moving to kiss her. She stopped him right before their lips connected, taking a breath.

"Wait, wait. Let me be soft for a second." they paused for a moment before she nodded, smiling slightly. "Okay."

Without hesitating, Sebastian connected their lips, the two of them getting wrapped up in their own little world.



catch me pretending that I haven't avoided updating for a month haahahahah I'm a disaster

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