one; real life

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FLASHING LIGHTS drowned any real thought Caterina had as they approached the city that their friend had chosen for her wedding. Of all places, Crystal decided on Las Vegas. To be fair, though, Crystal and her fiancé were nothing if not strange. Even as they drove through the flashing lights and casinos, the woman was chattering on about something Caterina couldn't bother to tune into.

"So," Crystal started after a moment, realizing Cat wasn't going to answer any other questions, "Sebastian is your plus one?"

"Naturally," the other woman replied, a smile playing on her lips. "That's usually how it goes."

"Why don't you bother getting a real boyfriend, Cat?"

"I don't need one," she replied, raising an eyebrow. "I don't need a relationship."

"Because Sebastian is enough?" Crystal asked, raising an eyebrow right back.

"Exactly. I just need him, and you. That's all."

"And you say you're not in love. Whatever, Cat. We're here, though. Is he meeting us here?"

"Yeah, he's- right there, actually. I'm gonna go grab him before someone notices."

Quickly, Caterina got out of the car, practically dashing to the tall man looking like Bucky Barnes come to life. Of course, it was probably because he played the man, but Caterina didn't mind her thoughts as she hugged him tightly.

"Wow, someone's happy to see me," he mused, hugging the woman back just as tight. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Don't get used to it, Stan. You and I both know it's just because you've been in Atlanta so long." she raised an eyebrow as she stepped back from him, examining his attire. "You look like an idiot."

"Every moment with you boosts my ego so much higher, Caterina," he replied, amusement clear in his voice. "I tried to blend in."

"Yeah? Don't." she linked their arms together, pulling him toward where Crystal and her fiancé were unloading the car. Crystal straightened as the two approached, hugging Sebastian once they were close enough.

"Long time, no see, Seb. You've gotta come around more often. It's hard to handle her without you. Oh, and I guess it's nice having you around." she was quick to step back, hearing the man chuckle.

"I've missed you too, Crystal. Ah, and you must be the man of the hour. I'm Sebastian, Cat's plus one." he smiled slightly and offered a hand to the man standing just behind her. He stepped forward, shaking Sebastian's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Sebastian. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Carter. Carter Baizen."

"You're kidding," Sebastian deadpanned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I am. I'm James Hanson. Nice to meet you."

Now that the pleasantries were over, they went about getting their luggage in order, signing into their respective hotel rooms. Crystal had picked one of the best hotels in Vegas, but also the most expensive. Caterina didn't mind; she could more than afford it.

"Hey," her friend said, pulling her to the side once they exited the elevator to their floor, "it's alright that I put you and Seb in the same room, right? It's just for the weekend, but I can switch it if you want-"

"Crys, it's fine. He's just Sebastian. It's not like we haven't done it before. Not like that, god. Grow up."

"I'm sure he would if he could," Sebastian called, stepping out of their hotel room. "Catch, Cat." He tossed her a keycard, chuckling as it hit her in the face.

"You suck, Stan," she muttered as she bent down to pick it up off the floor, where it had bounced.

"Trust me, I know," he retorted, earning an eyeroll from her.

"Let's just go unpack." Cat picked up her suitcase, trudging into their room.

"Have fun, not lovebirds," Crystal called as the door shut, chuckling when it reopened and a shoe flew in her general direction. "Love you too, Cat."


A few hours later, the group had unpacked, and they were on their way to the practice dinner. Crystal was getting married the next day, so it was the last time they could fix anything if it went wrong. And as the maid of honor, it was Cat's job to fix anything if it went wrong. She had the feeling that she would be needing something stronger than the champagne they were serving.

"Here, I've got it," Sebastian said as they went to sit down, pulling out Caterina's chair.

"I could have gotten it just fine, Seb," she replied with a sigh of disdain, one that was obviously fake when you saw the wide smile on her lips.

"I'm sure." he rolled his eyes, sitting beside her with care. He didn't want to mess up anything; Cat had gone to every length to make the setting perfect for her friend, and he wasn't going to ruin it. He had accidentally destroyed one of her weddings before when he followed her around on his free day, and he had seen how angry she had gotten- he wasn't going to risk that again.

"This is gonna be perfect, Cat," her friend complimented, earning a beaming smile from her.

"Thanks, Crys. I'm just here to help."

"I know you are, and you're doing great."

Sebastian watched the two women interact, a small smile finding its way to his lips. Caterina looked relaxed despite all her hard work going into these arrangements, and he chuckled under his breath at the sheer amazement of what she could do as a wedding planner.

"Stan, if you laugh at me one more time, you won't even get the chance to say 'ready to comply', got it?" Cat raised an eyebrow at him, her voice just low enough to be threatening.

"Got it, Marino, got it." the man's smile only grew as he looked at her, knowing his best friend was very much a disaster, but at least he was the one who got to make fun of her for it.

One thing Sebastian knew for sure: this weekend, like anytime they were together, would be something neither one of them would forget.



welcome to play pretend, y'all! and thanks again to lokidyinginside for this amazing plot. ❤

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