seven; multi

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CATERINA'S SMILE MADE the early morning worth it. It was good for Sebastian to see how easily she got along with his castmates, since they had become his family long ago. It warmed his heart to watch her embrace Chris Evans, and then Chris Pratt. They all meshed so well, and he couldn't be more thankful.

"You know, it's rude to stare," Paul Rudd remarked, coming up behind his friend. Sebastian rolled his eyes, giving Paul his signature 'done' look.

"I-I'm not staring. I'm observing."

"So you just observe everyone in the world with puppy dog 'I love you so much I'd do anything for you' eyes? Good to know."

"I'm not watching her with-"

"Paul! My two favorite guys." Caterina approached them with a warm smile, embracing Paul tightly. "Don't you look good?"

"Don't I always?" he replied, earning a chuckle out of both Sebastian and Cat.

"Don't be flirting with my girl now, Rudd," Sebastian teased, making Caterina laugh and shove him slightly.

"Don't be possessive, Stan," she replied, a grin clear on her face. Paul rolled his eyes at them; anyone could tell they were madly in love, but they couldn't even see it. It was frustrating to the rest of the cast, even if they were blinded by the fact that the two were married. And that reminded Paul of his words from the day before, words he would hold true to. Just not now.


Before any of them knew it, the photo shoot was over. Caterina had enjoyed watching her friends interact in such a warm way, watching their genuine happiness be pictured. And she especially loved watching Sebastian, how he lit up when he was around his friends, how he winked at her whenever he caught her eye. As she looked at the group getting ready to leave, she had one clear thought: this photoshoot would be so good in HD, but it was amazing in real life.

"You're looking awfully pretty for just staring," Elizabeth said, smiling as she approached her friend. Caterina chuckled, nodding in response.

"I'm just observing you guys. We've got a wedding today, so it's nice to be distracted for a moment," she explained. Elizabeth's eyebrows furrowed, confused slightly at the response.

"We?" she replied, tilting her head.

"Yeah, Seb is following me around to the one I've got today. Gotta make sure everything goes smoothly for the lucky couple, and he didn't wanna be left home alone or go out with anyone. Dang, I should have bothered Mackie into taking him out."

Elizabeth laughed at her friend, who was laughing herself. The thought of Anthony and Sebastian hanging out all day wasn't new, and they did it often, but she could only imagine the conversations Mackie would try to start now. That man was something else.

Suddenly, her name was called, and she looked over to see Paul Rudd waving her over to where he was standing with a slightly worried Sebastian and a perplexed Chris Pratt. She and Elizabeth walked over to them, confusion clear on both their faces.

"Yeah, what's up, ant?" she asked, clearly not in the mood for whatever he had planned. He just grinned at her as she linked her arm with Elizabeth's.

"So, Pratt Pratt here doesn't completely believe you and Seb here are a thing. Care to prove it?" he asked, a smirk on his face. Caterina glared at him so intensely his face radically dropped, but she nodded nonetheless. She had actually understood that this was in reference to their conversation the previous day, but it didn't make her want to not punch him any less.

"Okay, first, I hate you, and second, I hate you." she pointed at both Paul and Sebastian, earning an incredulous look from the Romanian.

"Hey, what does that-" Sebastian started, only for Caterina to cut him off. Shockingly for the both of them, it wasn't by a perfectly crafted retort- which seemed to come out of her mouth so easily in his presence- but by a kiss. It shook both of them, neither actually truly expecting her to do it. Nonetheless, Caterina found herself deep into a kiss with her best friend of almost 22 years, in front of all of their friends, with little realization as to what she was doing. Just moments later, she pulled away, remembering the fact that she had a job to get to.

"I'll, uh, be in the car," she breathed, quickly stepping back and exiting the studio they were in. Sebastian gaped at her as she left, earning a sly grin out of Paul.

"You're going to catch flies," he informed the man, who sent him a glare.

"I'm gonna kill you, Rudd," was his bitter response. Because no matter what had happened, the two best friends had been able to repress any feelings. It had been no big deal, not at all. Getting married wasn't a big deal to Sebastian because it was with Caterina, who he trusted with his life. He could handle moving in with her, acting like they were together. But now? Sebastian couldn't deny the feeling he just felt. Even worse for him, he couldn't deny the fact that he was desperately falling in love with Caterina Stan.


caterinastan: congrats to the happy couple! i'm so incredibly glad that you gave me the opportunity to be your planner

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caterinastan: congrats to the happy couple! i'm so incredibly glad that you gave me the opportunity to be your planner. may your life together be joyful and bright ❤



i'm so in love with these two i really can't even ❤❤ hope y'all are as shook as sebastian haha

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