Chapter 7

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We sat on the couch watching disney movies because why not?

 I woke up at the ending of the movie. I look around and couldn’t find Leo.

I started panicking. I looked around for my phone. I couldn’t find it then I remember where it was.

I left it in the train cart..  Great!

 I went into the kitchen to see another note but this time it was from Leo.

 Hey Austin! I will be right back okay? Don’t worry I went to my house to get clothes and I am going to the store to get us a snack. Be back soon! Don’t miss me too much haha.

He is so weird yet, I like it.

You said you’ll be back…

 … You said...

I sat on the couch reading manga. Then I heard a door being shut. I throw the manga on the coffee table and turn my head towards the front door seeing Leo. I smile at him as he smiles back.

       Seeing he has a lot bags I get up to help.

“ Thanks Austin buddy.” He said smiling. I nodded.

I started to put the groceries as Leo helped.

“ Oh, and Austin here’s your phone.” He said leaned me my phone.

“ Thanks.” I giggled. “ I didn’t realize I left it until a few minutes ago.”

     He smiled. I felt my cheeks getting hot so I turned around finishing putting the groceries up.

I heard a giggle in the background and my face got as red as a tomato by the minutes.

But I kept calm setting the chips in the cabinet. I was grabbing the bags to throw them away then I felt arms around my waist. I shivered at the sudden touch.

“ What are you doing?” I giggled, trying to hide my face.

“  Hm. Hugging from behind.” He said quietly. I giggled. I turned around to face him.

We locked eyes that felt like forever. His eyes were so pretty with his mint green mixing with a neon kind of green. It was so perfect and beautiful.  What is wrong with me why do I feel like this…  I snapped out of though noticing how close our faces were.

I studied his face slowly. He was looking into my eyes and slowing started looking towards my lips.

 I all of sudden started to move closer slightly tilting my head as Leo did the same.

Our lips touched. Leo kissed me passionately. Slowly and Lovingly. Is this love?

He broke the kiss. Looking at me smiling as I smiled back.

 “ We should go to bed now it’s late.” Leo said whispering. I nodded.

“ Okay I will sleep on the couch, you can sleep in my room.” I said walking towards my room.

“ No. We can sleep together. Well if you want to.” He stated.

I blushed. “ Y-yeah sure.” I said stuttering.

He chuckled.

When we headed into my room I shut the door and sat on my bed.

I turn to see Leo taking off his shirt. I blushed. You could see his perfect abs which you could see even if he had a shirt on. I turned my head before he could see me and quickly take my shirt off.

 I lay down facing the wall. I feel someone laying beside me.

“ Hey, Austin?” Leo questioned. I turned towards him.

“ Yeah?”

“ Come closer. I am not going to bite.” He said chuckling. I giggled with him and scooted closer.

Our legs were tangled up together, his arms were around my waist, my right hand was playing with his hair and my left was slowly rubbing his chest.

  Not long after we fell asleep.

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