Chapter 2

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I was listening to their conversation. They had normal conversations.

" So how about we meet up at Wendy's?" Jeon asked. " Well if you guys aren't busy."

Everyone nodded. Not me though. I want to, but I just became friends with them. I don't think they want me with them anyways. I thought to myself.

" You want to go Austin?" Leo asked. I hesitated. " It's okay if you don't. Just a thought."

" I'll go." I suddenly said. I was quite surprised as so were they.

Then everyone laugh and so did I.

" Alright then Austin we always meet up at 7:30. Think you can do that?" Jeon asked

I nodded and so did he.

" Well. Welcome to the club Kid." Leo congrats me.

" Thank you." I said giggling.

I was finally home after that long day at school and my mother was in the kitchen making cookies.

" Hey Austin, how was your first day?" She asked sweetly.

" Long but good I made some friends." I answered, taking a cookie.

" That's good child."

" Hey mom, can I go out tonight with my friends?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

She nodded. " Sure thing just make sure you're out of trouble okay?" I nodded.

I went upstairs to wait for time to go by.

I sat in my room doing my homework, checking the time. It's 7:00. I should get ready. So I grabbed a white tee with my black ripped jeans and put them on. I also fixed my hair so it wasn't so messy and went down stairs.

I looked at the clock above the t.v. It was 7:15. I better get going because it will be a little walk.

So I start walking down the sidewalk towards town. The town was big but not too big so it wasn't that far about 10 to 15 minutes walk.

I get to Wendy's and walk in. I guess I was early because there was only Leo there. I feel more connected to Leo then any of the other people in the group but I guess that's because I met him first? Not sure honestly.

" Hey you made it" Leo greeted me. I nodded.

" Yeah. it's not that far from my house so." I said back sitting next to him.

" You hungry? I will get you something." Leo asked.

" No thanks I just ate before coming here." I said. He nodded.

We sat there waiting for the others and when they got here they looked nice.

Jeon was wearing a black and white striped shirt with black jeans but was drunk and smelled like alcohol. Justin was wearing an alien shirt with blue jeans and was supporting Jeon up from falling. Sean and Neal were standing behind. Neal was wearing all black and Sean was wear a leather jacket with ripped blue jeans. Jeon still look like Idol even if he was drunk.

" Jeon got drunk on the way." Sean said casually like it's not the first time.

Leo nodded. " Well let's go." We all left Wendy's. Walking through the town I stayed next to Leo like a lost puppy.

He must of notice because he put his arm around my neck. " It's okay Austin. We won't hurt you. I Promise." I nodded.

" I wasn't thinking you were going to hurt me. I am just new to this type of thing." I explained.

" Ohh. You didn't have many friends at your old school then?" He asked.

" No.. I was bullied." I said softly.

" Well, I'll make sure no one will get to you. You're apart of us and we take care of each other. We're like brothers." Leo explained. I nodded.

" Thank you..."

" Anytime kid." Leo said back.

And that moment I knew I had people I can trust and that loved me even if we just met.

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