Unwanted Small Talk

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As Dee suspected, Lash enthusiastically agreed to the black ops mission to Toronto to determine whether Brother's Keeper was indeed a front for one of the many tentacles of the Brotherhood. Just as she thought, the big vampire was now looking for any opportunity to hurt the Brotherhood, however small it might be. And, if everything fell into place, this could be anything but small!

The North American headquarters? To say that it was ambitious was to make an understatement. But, at least they'd get to see if their toys worked as well as Mordecai hoped they would!

As soon as they determined that the operation was a go, the three of them leapt into furious action. Duffy found himself in front of Dee's computer as he collated everything they had gathered so far into a report, intending to email it to the RCMP investigation's coordinator, Inspector Catherine Chapel once it was complete. That would take care of their obligations to the investigation for a few days. Long enough to get to Toronto and do what they needed to do.

For his part, Mordecai began to assemble the equipment they needed for a hit on what would presumably be a heavily fortified and well-guarded location. While the vampires would take what they needed and be concerned about their own equipment and gear, Mordecai was the quartermaster for the small, three-person team of himself, Dee and Duffy on this mission. It would be his job to put everything they needed together and get it to Toronto.

And it would be Dee's job to make sure their travel arrangements were made, including any coordination they would need to make with the Qos Viran to make sure the vampires got to Canada's largest city with as few problems as possible. It was an added benefit, of course that they now had the EMF shields, enabling them to travel during the day. So, as soon as she hung up with Lash after making some preliminary plans with the Qos Viran commander, she was on the phone with the airlines, getting flight times and booking tickets.

Still, despite having control of their travel arrangements, the tall redhead found herself somewhat surprised when, several hours later the three of them were striding firmly down the final approach ramp to the boarding lounge that held the gate connecting them to their Toronto-bound flight.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," she said in a low voice, more to herself than to her companions as they approached the gate. "Like we're running to dance with the dragon, without sword or spear!"

"An interesting saying," Mordecai noted as he strode along side Dee's right. "Mandarin Chinese?"

"From the first sovereign emperor of China a couple thousand years ago," Dee explained with a half smile. "Something I read long ago in one of my history classes. Oddly enough it seems to fit this situation well."

"I agree," Mordecai agreed, catching Dee a bit by surprise. She glanced up at him as he stared straight ahead, seemingly determined to reach the gate ahead of them. Yet she could almost see the thoughts that churned behind those dark blue eyes, with their intense fires of determination.

"You do?" she asked softly and the big man bobbed a quick nod.

"For the first time in my entire life, I'm running headlong into a situation where I won't have superior power, tactical advantage or advance intelligence. Like your first sovereign emperor, I'll be without the sword and spear I've carried since I reached puberty. And we'll be facing a dragon of unknown strength and ability, but definitely with the power to kill us all."

A muscle rippled along the big man's jaw as he considered his own words, dark and foreboding.

"Yet, just as that man in your story rushed forward anyway, confident in his choice to give his life to save his people and his family, so do we rush to Toronto, possibly to our deaths. But certainly strengthened by our resolve to do whatever it takes to stop the Brotherhood and save all of Humanity." He glanced over at her. "Whatever it takes!"

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