History of the Brotherhood

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According to Preacher's data, the Brotherhood of Advanced Intellects, also known more simply as the Brotherhood, was formed almost two hundred years ago with the idea of advancing the interests of telepaths over those of normal humans. At the time of the Brotherhood's formation in the town of Lyon, France, only Telepathy was a recognized talent. So those individuals that were found to have the other talents of telekinesis, pyrokinesis and translocation, along with the various hypersenses, were acknowledged to be inferior to telepaths, though superior to Normals.

It was some 50 years later, at a secret convention held in Switzerland that the Brotherhood changed that philosophy. Its ruling body, the Inner Council, made up of twelve of the most powerful telepaths that would join the Brotherhood, decided that the other talents were to be given full status as superior beings and allowed full membership within the Brotherhood.

Since then the organization had done nothing less than become a worldwide power, even before such travel was possible, literally expanding to the New World and other parts of the globe in leaps and bounds, often years before the Normals arrived. Oft times they would even foment tension between the locals and exploit Normals to further their own purposes. As they expanded into the world, the Brotherhood swallowed up similar groups to their own wherever they could find them, destroying those that wouldn't join them.

Mordecai sat back after finding that, thoughtful. It was further evidence that the Brotherhood was behind that event he discovered in southern Germany, and the one in France as well. Grimly he couldn't help but wonder how many of the events the lone gunmen had responded to over the years were a direct result of Brotherhood interference. With that dark thought, he pressed on in his study.

By the turn of the century, the Brotherhood not only had members worldwide in a vast network that rivaled the greatest of the normal nations, but had managed to place members in positions of power in every nation on the planet. It wouldn't be long, according to history, before the Brotherhood had control over those same governments and would govern the planet as a ruling elite.

But the Inner Council was not satisfied, even with such ultimate power. Only the eradication of the normal Human Race would firmly establish their dominance! So the Armageddon Project was created where not only would they grab power from the Normals, but would permanently eliminate the creatures which they considered inferior, thus creating the true super race. 'Hmmm. That sounds vaguely familiar. I wonder if good ol' Adolf was a member?' Then he frowned as he came to the end of the last file. 'That's it? Damn, the key must be in the other data bank!'

As he pondered the need to access the second wet bank simulacrum, another thought abruptly occurred to him. It was, perhaps, not the best idea to hold the two simulacrums within his cortex any longer, considering the Brotherhood's overwhelming desire to wipe him out. Mordecai's face darkened. A rather pressing desire, if the assassin's presence was any indication.

With the banks, in combination with the teep data file he had downloaded earlier, holding what evidence he had of this Project Armageddon, he needed to safeguard the data if the lone gunmen were going to have a chance at stopping these madmen from putting their plan into action. So the man in black had to take steps to protect the simulacrums.

Summoning psyken as the idea continued to evolve inside his head, Mordecai opened his eyes and came to his feet in one smooth, fluid motion. As he stood, the idea reached fruition, solidified and took its final shape.

'A bioenergetic matrix, encapsulated in an organic crystal environment, theoretically could sustain the bio-energy I copied over from the two wet banks in an environment very similar to, if not exactly like, the human brain,' he mused, rubbing his chin as he followed the thought to its logical end.

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