Developing Teeth and Claws

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"What's takin' them so long?" Maggie whispered harshly, her big eyes wide with fear. Kristal could only shrug, having joined her short partner behind the big table. Both now crouched behind the inadequate shelter, waiting for the building to come down around them.

With the abruptness of a stab to the heart and the snarl of high-powered plasma, a narrow beam cut through the brick just to the right of the medium-sized hole that sat in the center of the north-facing wall. Blinking away the after images, both Maggie and Kristal clung to each other as several more scythed through the wall with the staccato rhythm of a machine gun, cutting a man-sized opening through the brick.

Grumbling loudly, the last of the wall fell away after the final plasma blast faded away into the gloom and dust and, with the soft sound of scuffing leather on brick, a dark figure stepped through the opening. Walking over the tumbled remains of the shattered wall, it moved into the room. As the Avalonians gazed in outright fear at the dark figure all in black, they could see a nimbus of energy outlining its powerful form in the gloom.

"Uh oh!" Kristal husked thickly and, at the sound, the dark figure swung towards them. Instantly the two women felt the temperature of the room plummet as it began to walk towards them across the rubble-filled room. As it drew close, it spoke, a harsh, uncompromising sound.

"Members of the Avalon nation, you have been found in rebellion against the Brotherhood." The emotionless voice marked him as a man, even as a ball of plasma began to grow to brilliance in his right hand, which he held in front of him.

"For that crime, rebels, you will die!"

"I think not,"  a woman's soft voice countered out of the dimness behind the two Avalonians. Kristal and Maggie's heads snapped around in shock even as the man looked up, his grim, craggy face now illuminated by the plasma ball seething in his hand.

Out of the darkness of the hallway that led into the apartment, an equally grim figure emerged. Clad in a loose fitting uniform dappled black and gray with urban camouflage, the figure wore a heavy vest of black nylon, its entire surface covered with utility pockets, over its upper body. A belt with a variety of small attachments and devices was strapped around its waist and a strange looking holster hung from the right hand side.

Heavy combat boots and gloves of supple, black leather completed the uniform. The figure strode forward with purpose, its face hidden by a dark visor that curved down from a protective helmet in black that completely covered its head, a grim soldier with only one goal: to stop the Brotherhood.

The figure spoke, revealing herself as the source of the original voice, her words slightly muffled inside the close-fitting helmet.

"They are sovereign citizens of the Avalon nation and are not bound by Brotherhood law. Therefore, they are not in rebellion against you and yours and cannot be punished for it!"

"All psi nations bow to the Brotherhood," the man grated as he raised his hand, the plasma ball roiling with renewed energy. In response the woman touched a small panel strapped over her left forearm and something flickered into existence around her.

"And all nations obey the Brotherhood's law!" With a high pitched whine, he slung the plasma ball at the woman in gray and black. In the blink of an eye, it became a high powered bolt, streaking across the intervening space in a heartbeat.

Only to be shunted aside by a gleaming shield that became visible as the bolt slammed into it, the redirected plasma crunching into a nearby wall with a snarl of discharge, ripping a massive hole in the plaster and brick.

"My turn!" the woman snarled tightly, smoothly drawing a strange weapon from the oversized holster, aiming it at the man as he hurried to gather another bolt in his hand. Before he could release it, a shockwave materialized right in front of him.

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