Chapter 12: Twists and Complications

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"Fuck me!" Mordecai snarled as he flung his bag onto the bed of a newly rented hotel room, his third. It was a much smaller room than the other two, with just a bed and a closet sized bathroom. But, then again, he didn't plan on staying long.

The Alliance's plea had introduced an element of uncertainty that the man in black hadn't accounted for. He scrubbed his hand ferociously through his close-cropped hair as he paced tightly in the little space the room afforded movement.

No less than fifteen psionic nations were in rebellion here, with news that more were out there under threat by the Brotherhood. And that didn't count those that were already subsumed, to use the term Samson had used. 'Shit! With one swipe of psyken, I find an entire world of chaos right under my nose. What the hell is going on in this city?' he wondered tightly. 'Just when I thought I, . . .'

Before he could finish the thought, a pulse of psychic shock washed through the room. In a heartbeat Mordecai found himself sprinting to the room's only window. Clawing aside the heavy drapery, he stared outside.

At first the view of downtown Calgary that greeted his eyes showed nothing out of the ordinary. But, as his enhanced vision came on line, he saw it: a bright yellow mushroom of distant light marking an explosion of psionic energy. According to his internal map of Calgary, it was climbing skyward from where Samson's house was located.

The man in black's face tightened at that realization. Either Samson had a meltdown of massive proportions or the Brotherhood had just finally caught up with the Alliance's invisible man! And he had just missed getting caught in it by mere moments.

A strange feeling washed through the big psionic as he stared at the growing mushroom of energy and light as he couldn't help but think it was his fault that they got caught, regardless of the rebellion supposedly raging in the streets. Somehow the Brotherhood had followed him to Samson's house and launched their attack. The Alliance had died in a firestorm of psionic rage, which could have been prevented if the man in black had agreed to the partnership Samson had proposed.

Mordecai's jaw muscle tightened painfully as he ground his teeth with frustration. Either way, their deaths were now on his head. And his honor wouldn't let him forget that!

By the time the man in black reached the Alliance safe house, Normal emergency vehicles were already there, thick as ticks on a boar. Frowning, Mordecai surveyed the swarms of city police and RCMP special crimes constables that were working side by side with firemen to sift through the still smoking rubble that was all that was left of the interior of the once majestic two story house. All that was left now was a smoldering shell.

Unfortunately there was so much psionic turmoil still floating around, fallout from the explosion that had gutted the house, the man in black couldn't penetrate into the building with any of his probes. That meant, if he wanted to find out what had happened, or if there were any survivors, that he would have to go inside.

Sighing, he shifted his jacket around on his shoulders then stepped forward towards the yellow police tape that now surrounded the burnt-out building. Sometimes the best way in, was the direct approach. He noted the tape as he strode towards it; apparently the police thought there was something amiss here as well. 'Wouldn't they have a field day if I told them it was an ESET demolition squad's handiwork!' he darkly mused.

As Mordecai approached the line, he was immediately stopped by a dark uniformed city police officer.

"I'm sorry, sir, but this is an official crime scene," the officer indicated, holding up a forestalling hand in front of the man in black. "I'm afraid I can't let you get any closer!" Feigning innocence, Mordecai looked wide-eyed at the officer.

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