Chapter 32: Following a Cold Trail

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The pyrotechnic report hit the top of Dee's desk with a smack.

"The FD tells me that they have no less than ten substances on file that could possibly match the liquid napalm that we suggested was at work at the final battle site." Mordecai reported as he slumped into Duffy's empty chair, opposite Dee. The big man was dressed in his customary jacket with a pair of black casual shoes, dark Dockers and a sweatshirt under his jacket. His holstered Shiva was just visible under his arm in a shoulder holster from the position he was sitting in.

"Five of them are easily storable and can be used in such a device as a flame thrower." A quirky smile touched his handsome face. "Who knew we'd be so close to the truth with our invention?"

Dee chuckled as she reached over the desk to grab the thick folder, pulling it towards her.

"Not me, that's for sure," she replied, flipping the folder over to rifle through a number of the chemical reports that thoroughly filled the folder to brimming. "But it dovetails perfectly into the investigation that we're pretending to do." She turned slightly to pull out another folder out of one of her drawers and passed it over to the big man.

"That's a list of banned substances that Customs have put on their A list to stop passing over the border," she indicated as Mordecai flipped the folder open to scan the information over. "Duffy's down at the University of Calgary now, checking with their chemistry department to see how many of them could be cobbled together with household chemicals."

"Nice." Mordecai nodded then stood in one fluid motion. "I'm gonna get back to the apartment and finish putting the Shiva's together. I have just about a full two dozen with enough ammo to storm Fort Calgary." He glanced out the nearest window in the broad Homicide squad room. It was already getting dark.

"I was thinking that I'd pay our little fanged friends a visit and show them the hardware. They'll want to test drive their new toys before they begin training for the strike against the conference. I think I have about an hour before they rise and shine."

"Groovy." Dee pulled a second folder from a desk drawer before she switched off her computer and stood, grabbing her coat off the back of her chair. "I'll come with. That hour or so gives us enough time to get over to the hospital and make sure our Brotherhood friends don't give us any trouble! I think we've already given them nearly 18 hours as it is." She raised her voice slightly to call out to the broad-shouldered McLaughlin, who had picked that moment to stick his head out his office door to look around the squad room.

"Hey, boss. Just taking Kelly down to Foothills to check on our suspects."

"No problem, McMaster," McLaughlin answered with a nod, folding his arms as he leaned against the door jam. "By the way, congratulations in finding your way back onto this case. I kinda figured you would."

Dee flashed a quick smile at the big man.

"Thanks, chief. I'll do the PD proud, no worries. And thanks for going to bat with the RCMP and the chief to keep the old investigation going. I really appreciate it!"

"Yeah, yeah." McLaughlin grinned suddenly. "Just go and solve this damn thing, will ya? I need you to get back to work for me!"

"Gotcha, boss!" Dee nodded in acknowledgement then she and Mordecai were on their way.

Considering that Mordecai's Xterra was, by far, a more comfortable vehicle than Dee's little TR-6, they chose to use it to go to the hospital. Of course, the back had already been fitted out with a veritable arsenal of new wave weapons courtesy of Mordecai's trip into the future, an added benefit just in case they ran into more psionics bent on taking them out. A definite possibility, in this town!

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