Chapter 1: Lee

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Faye's point of view
It was boxing day, my parents were still asleep, or just being really quiet in their room, I was hung over but couldn't sleep and apparently my sister felt much the same way. So instead of both reading or watching TV and wasting our limited time together we'd ended up talking about the sorts of things only sisters talk about.
"So, there's this guy I know, part of my Pop group..." I started.
"What the magical line dancing pop group, which I swear swear swear that can't keep going much longer." Clare replied with a sly grin. I knew she was teasing, and that there was no harm meant in it.
"Clare I assure you that Steps is perfectly real and doing great. You fully know that." I told her as she sat, still grinning, and trying her hardest not to laugh at my slight annoyance.
"Sureeee..." She sarcastically retorted.
"Clare do you want to spend time with me or shall I just leave you to it?" I replied.
"Yeah, sorry. Right what's with this guy then?" She said.
"His name is Lee, the guy I like obviously, and he is actually the sweetest, kindest, most loving boy ever. Know what, I'll save you the long story, I have a crush on him." I explained.
"Well, okay. The best thing you could possibly do is tell him how you feel." She stated.
"Nah really. Like I couldn't guess that one." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"Fine!" She groaned. "Explain to him that you think that he's cute and you want to date him. It really is the most important part of building that sort of a relationship with someone. It sounds easy, but it really isn't. Ah right yeah. I'm meant to be helping you... Maybe you could write him like a anonymous letter or something."
I sighed, what had I expected of my sister anyway, her ultimate life aim was to annoy me half the time and be the nicest person in the world the other half. I thought for a moment, and walked over to a cute little set of draws where I kept some of my favourite Polaroid pictures. I rummaged through the draws, looking for a very specific photo. I gave up eventually, and tipped the contents of the draw out on my bedroom floor.
"Found it!" I announced to my sister, handing her a photo of me, Lee, Lisa, H and Claire

My sister looked at the photo briefly. "Ahhhh... I'm thinking that Lee is the dark haired boy next to you? Don't attack me if I'm wrong. My brain hurts still from yesterday... Wait well yeah it wouldn't be the gobby blonde one would it? I know your taste in boys Fairy."
I nodded and pressed my hand against her face to try and shut her up before she digressed too much further. "Alright that's enough from you. Just in case you'd genuinely forgotten you have Lisa, H and Claire" I added, pointing to each of them in turn.
"Well, I must agree with you. Lee's the hot one." She said. "I see why you fell for him. Mind you it's not like in Steps he has much competition..."
"Clare! Get your own crush insteada stealing mine!" I retorted with an insulted grin, and launched one of my slippers at her. She somehow dodged it, rolled her eyes indignantly, then grabbed it and chucked it back at me.
We decided it would be best if we left the conversation there, and I looked at the mess of photos across my floor, trying to spot any of my favourite ones that I could talk to Clare about she hadn't already seen a thousand times. She was looking at them too, smiling away as she found familiar old photos of our family. Suddenly she started giggling, and picked up one of the photos.
"You look like an actual idiot." She laughed looking at the photo.
I snatched it off her indignantly, and looked at it, silently wanting to kill her for laughing at my pictures. They were my way of documenting life, in quite the same way she - and any normal person - kept a diary.
I quickly glanced at the photo where I was stood awkwardly grinning in a bright pink, off shoulder top and laughed slightly. "Oh yeah. Lisa took that one of me a while ago to show me how pretty I looked in the top she'd given me." I said, temporarily living the moment over again in my head. I felt a small tear attempt to run down my cheek for some reason, and hastily flicked it away before my sister saw, knowing she'd only tease me more if she caught me crying about photos. And it wasn't that anyway. It was more because Lisa was practically a sister to me nowadays, because we travelled so much in Steps that I rarely got to spend time with Clare and my parents besides at Christmas.

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