Chapter Ten

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(Dove's POV)

My fisted hands tremble as they rest on my lap. I let out a deep breath every forty-five seconds because I forget to exhale. This is such a bad idea. It's so bad that it reminds me of the time Ezreal thought it was a good idea to try to cook for the first time that he ended up setting my shirt on fire. Just him thinking about him making toast was a horrible idea. He just can't cook. And right now, I just can't meet his parents. I should've lied about having plans for Thanksgiving.

"You're a horrible liar." Adonis chuckles. I turn my head to him and see him holding in a laugh. My face immediately heats up and I turn my face the opposite direction, staring out the window.

It's about a twenty to twenty-five minute drive from Adonis' to his parents' home. The car stops in front of a large, black-steel gate that opens in a matter of seconds. He drives in and I see a stunningly beautiful house, the size of the one my parents live in. Just thinking about it sends chills of fright down my back.

The car comes to a stop in front of the magnificent building. I feel him layer his large hand over mine and firmly squeeze it. "Hey, they're going to love you." He cups the back of my neck, pulling me closer, and places his sweet lips against mine. We kiss for several seconds until I pull away to catch my breath. Now I feel even more scared of going into that house knowing my face is a little heated. "Are you ready?"

"Not like I can turn back now." I mumble. He lets out a short chuckle as we step out of the car.

Everett is patiently waiting in his car seat as I open his side of the door and unbuckle is seatbelt. I lift him up and gently set him on his feet. He reaches for my left hand and holds it as the three of us walk to the front door. Adonis rings the doorbell and slides his arm around my waist. My body goes from beating at an abnormally fast rate to a BPM that can be deduced as someone having a heart attack. I try to wiggle away out of sheer embarrassment, but he grips onto my side and pulls me against him. I glare at him, but he doesn't care. He keeps a prideful smirk on his face.

The door opens to a man who is just as tall and burly, probably even more so, as Adonis. His hair is black with his sides a grey turning white. There's a bit of scruff that emphasizes more of his masculinity. His eyes were a warm green color, so I'm guessing he took his eyes from his mother. A smile is plastered on his face as he sees us. "Adon, glad you made it. Your mother was starting to get fussy." The two large men hug each other.

"As usual." He replies.

Adonis' father looks down and sees his grandson. "Are you hungry, Everett?" He picks him up and has him sit on his arm.

"I'm always hungry, Grandpup!" Everett giggles enthusiastically.

"Dad, this is Dove." Adonis states.

I pull a, hopefully normal, smile on my lips. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Manchester. Happy Thanksgiving." I raise my hand for a handshake. He looks at me, and I'm unsure if I said something wrong. Should I have called him Sir instead of Mr. Manchester? Was it too early to have shown my face? Before I got a chance to say something else he pulls me in for a hug with his free arm.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Dove. It's good to finally meet you. Please, feel free to call me Jackson." Finally? Has Adonis been talking to his parents about me?

"O-of course, Jackson." I hesitantly put an arm around him to hug him back, and I see Adonis giving me a comical thumbs up. I roll my eyes at him.

Jackson escorts us inside and we're led to the living room There's a fire started in the fireplace with a large television turned on over it. I look around the room and notice too many people to count. I look behind me from both sides and give a relieved sigh that Adonis was right behind me but still filled with anxiety because I didn't know there was going to be so many people. I slightly loosen the tie around my neck, feeling suffocated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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