Chapter Five

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(Dove's POV)

Getting on the next plane back to Paris was the only thing that was on my mind. I needed to get out of here. I wanted to go home. I did everything I could to keep myself from breaking down at this moment. It's been about an hour, and the plane was going to land in fifteen minutes. Thank God for that. I pushed through everyone to get out of the airport as fast as possible. I needed air, fresh air, air that I can breathe in.

I got into an available taxi and just sat there, breathing heavy, as if I ran a marathon when I only ran from the plane to the exit of the airport.

"Where to?" The man asked, ready to drive me to my next destination.

I didn't know where to go. Home wasn't processing in my mind and wasn't coming out of my mouth. I wanted what I was thinking to come out, but it wasn't working. I sat there, head down, pulling at my hair. Then, he started to drive. Why was he driving? I don't know. Where was he going? No idea. It didn't matter right now. I couldn't go to work. I couldn't go home. I couldn't see Ezreal. I didn't want to be alone.

A million thoughts ran through my mind. All of them being my dad. What a joke. I insult him and practically tell him to disown me, yet I still call him my dad.

You're a Shield. No matter how much you hate your father, no matter how much you don't recognize that man as your father, it doesn't matter. He is always going to be your father. You may not need him now, may not have needed him before, but you will need him.

My mother's words constantly ran through my mind, reminding me that I didn't have a choice. That he was my family even if I didn't want him to be. I'm a Shield. I'll always be a Shield, if not by name then by blood.

"-euse me. Excuse me, Sir. We're here." He said in a loud tone.

I brought my head up and looked at him from the rear-view mirror. "Where?" Turning my head to the window, I realized it was the club. I didn't know why I was here. Did I say to drive here? I don't remember hearing myself say it. Stumbling to grab my wallet from my bag, I paid the kind gentleman before stepping out of the car.

Standing there, I just looked at the club. What do I do now? Do I walk in? Was it even open at this time? I looked at my watch. A little over three o'clock. I could get some lunch, but I don't really know where or what to eat. I gripped onto the handle of my shoulder bag before sighing and rubbing my eyes. What the hell am I doing here? Honestly, this is ridiculous.

"Is it so ridiculous, mate?" The familiar, British voice was nearby. Looking around, I see Hendrik walking towards me with Kurt at his side.

Things could not get any worse. As the two muscular men walk towards me, I start to freak out. It'd be rude of me to just run off, but it's not like I want to stay here and have a talk with them either. I just stood there, looking at the ground, biting my bottom lip.

"Are you okay, Dove?" Kurt asks in worry.

I shook my head. No, I'm not okay. I'm really not. I want to be okay, but I'm not. I don't know what to do anymore. I thought I'd be okay with not involving myself with my family anymore, but I'm not. Maybe we could be a family again if I fixed my relationship with dad, but I couldn't.

"Let's get you inside, Dove." The two men help me inside Envie and direct me to a table to sit at.

My eyes started to sting again, so I shut my eyes tight. It's embarrassing seeing a grown man cry.

"I'll call Ezreal and let him know you're here, so he can come take you home." Kurt stated, dialing a number and stepping away to call privately.

Opening my eyes again, I stare at my clenched hands that sat on my thighs. I take another deep breath before getting up and deciding to head to the restroom to splash cold water on my eyes. As I walk with my head held low, I end up bumping into a hard surface. "S-sorry..." My body freezes when I look up at see the man who I couldn't get out of my mind for a week and a half.

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