Chapter One

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(Adonis' POV)

"-ester. Mr. Manchester." My head snapped to the familiar voice. Maria, my secretary, seemed to have been calling my name for the past few minutes.

Everyone in the conference room had their eyes on me. Fuck. I can't believe I was daydreaming again. I cleared my throat and situated myself in a more professional manner. Okay, Adonis, just play it cool.

"I'll look over these files and have an answer by 5 o'clock." I stated to my team. "Dismissed." With that, everyone gathered their folders and documents and headed out the door.

Once everyone was out, I leaned back on my chair and sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. The slap of folders hitting the table caused me to bring my attention to Maria. She didn't look pleased, more pissed than anything. "You've been acting like this for about two weeks now, what's up? I asked Kurt yesterday, but he just laughed at me."

Maria was Kurt's sister. The three of us were childhood friends, and it was a coincidence that she had applied for the job as my secretary. Because of her resume and performance, I decided to take her in. So far, she's been doing a splendid job, and because she knows me so well, things tend to get personal at work.

"Nothing's wrong. I just haven't been getting enough sleep." Which wasn't a lie. I wasn't getting a enough sleep, but not for the reason she might think. Dove had been on my mind since the night he ran out of the club.

Right when she was about to say something, I stood up and walked out the room with the files that needed to be reread. There wasn't a point in giving a presentation when I could just read through this by myself. They were wasting my time. I made my way to my office, closed the door behind me, and plopped down onto my chair. I sighed and closed my strained eyes.


"Dove." I called out his name over the music. "Dove!" I shouted. He didn't look back; he just kept running. I headed down the stairs. Something about him made me want him so much. He was a need not a want. Someone pushed me back and before I could raise my fist, I realized it was Ezreal.

"Adonis, don't." I watched as the most beautiful man I'd ever seen disappear right in front of me. I sighed, walking back to our area, and harshly sitting on the couch. My three friends made their way back, and there was a short silence.

Ezreal's phone buzzed, and I was hoping for it to be Dove. He read the message and started to text back. I gulped down the whiskey I had in my cup, the burning sensation travelling down my throat. Get it together, Adonis. You don't even know the man, and you're already wagging your tail like a dog. Ezreal started to dial a number. He looked frustrated. Five calls and ten texts but there was no answer.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "He isn't answering. He must've put his phone on silent again, how bothersome."

"He wasn't what I pictured when you described him. Dove has a very gentle personality, very shy for a man of his stature." Hendrik stated.

Kurt took a sip of his beer and let out a sigh. "I guess that's what people mean when they say you can't judge a book by it's cover."

It was true. His appearance defied his personality. There was something about him that caught my attention. Was it his shimmering sea-blue eyes? The way he blushed from embarrassment and shyness? The way he fidgeted like a prey about to be captured by the predator? Whatever it was, I needed more.

"Is he seeing anyone?" I didn't need to ease into anything. I just needed to know if he was single or in a relationship. A simple yes or no will determine how I'm going to make my next move.

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