Chapter 5: So goodbye

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I walked into third period history by myself. I saw Douglas sitting there with his little girlfriend. They looked back at me laughing. Selena then followed me in and she smiled at me. Justin followed me behind her and the three of us walked past the pestering couple.

"So are we training more tonight boss," Justin said.

"No I think it's time for another trip," I laughed.

"We all know what happened to you the last mall trip Missy," Sel said.

I felt a tap on my shoulder to see a random student ask me something about the homework. Her name was Julia Micheals (she had been held back two years).

"What were the answers to the history Hw questions last night?"

"Julia, you need to read the book to know that," Selena said.

"But I hate reading and I know Demi is like really smart," she smiled sweetly.

"How about I tutor you tomorrow Julia," I said sweetly to her.

She thanked me immensely and then walked back to her seat. Kelsea looked at her and then whispered to Douglas about something I could not quite get out. I sighed and then saw Miss Tisdale walk in. She started off with reviewing the homework from last night and Julia groaned.

After school finished, we all met up to set up the seating arrangement. I sat with Joe in his Jeep and Jelena joined us. Niley and Luriana rode together. Jesse took the rest

We drove off and the radio came on. I started to sing along with Selena and Justin. It was like it was last year all over but so much better. Joe looked at me laughing. I stuck my tongue out and looked out the window.

"Where are we going first," Sel said.

"I know I want to hit the music store," Justin said.

I agreed and we all just laughed. We pulled up to the mall and saw that there was a fight between my pack and the evil one. This shit had to stop.

I climbed out right as Joe parked. Selena and Justin followed with Joe running up putting his arm around me making sure Douglas didn't pull anything after last night.

"What the hell is the problem," I demanded.

"He threatened our girls," Harry said pointing at Douglas holding Kendall close.

"They were part of the deal," Douglas said.

I pushed Harry and Kendall out the way and getting in his face. I growled warning him that I was not messing around he laughed. Kelsea tried to defend her boyfriend but he shushed her and his pack backed up.

"Protective of a human," he laughed at me like I was Child.

"Yes, this is my town and territory to protect. It was my grandma's job and now I take it. You hurt anyone in this town and our little deal is off. I will rip off your pretty little girlfriend's head."

Kelsea grabbed her neck and gulped. I then saw Ashley walk up holding Julia who was crying at this point with marks in her neck. I gasped and saw Ashley drop her in front of me.

"Take it," she laughed. "Kelsea is annoying anyways."

The pack laughed as Kelsea was pushed forward with Julia. She was crying looking at me with tears in her eyes. Douglas looked at me. I knew this was a test. The two girls were in trouble and I felt the urge to help both. I sighed and looked at my pack. Joe looked at me and nodded. I picked up Julia and brought her to Joe's jeep.

I heard Kelsea yell a thank you to me and then she looked at her pack as they walked away. Douglas put his arm around Ashley. I looked back at her feeling so badly for her. Miley and Nick helped her up taking her in Nick's vehicle.

We took off to Jesse's house. He lived in the country to and so we were safe here. When we arrived, I saw Kelsea crying in Miley's arms. I climbed out and hand her a paper I wrote on that was agreement she would not betray us and if she didn't, she would always have a safe place to go.

She looked at me and then asked for a pen. She signed and then I hugged her putting my scent on her. She was now marked as mine. I saw Julia crying in the corning. Kelsea nodded at me and I walked over to her.

"So things in your life are about to change," I said trying to comfort her.

"What are you all? Wait, what am I?" She cried.

"We are werewolves and so are you. I will protect you. You are part of my pack."

"Thank you," she said and then she started to foam from the mouth.

I screamed for the others and Hayden looked at me worried. I didn't like that look. Julia started to seize and she started to grunt.

"What is happening," I cried.

"They poisoned her. She is not going to make the night," Hayden said bending down.

I turned around looking at Kelsea who was looking confused. She ran over and smelled the neck. She told us that Ashley was apparently a bloodline werewolf with special blood that has venom in it.

"I didn't know they were going to go this far. I just said we should mess with you guys so that you would not your place. I am so sorry Julia."

She cried and started to walk away but I yelled for her to come back. I sighed and she thought of something. She sunk her teeth into Julia who was now screaming with foam coming out. She eventually stopped shaking and foaming.

Kelsea passed out. She sacrificed herself and Julia woke up confused where she was. I told her she was here to be tutored. She nodded and then  asked me if we were done. I said yes and that my cousin was taking her home. She walked off with Jesse and I looked at Kelsea.

"What did she do," I asked.

"She took the poison and sacrificed herself. It is her gift. She won't live this out," Nick said.

We walked into school the next day and I saw Ashley kissing Douglas. The new couple walked up laughing wondering were Kelsea was. I looked at Douglas and his face went from a smile to pure sadness.

"What did you do to her," he demanded grabbing me.

"Nothing," I sighed. "She sacrificed herself for Julia."

Just then, Julia walked past smiling and waving at me. Douglas growled and ran off. Ashley was hurt and confused. I didn't know why but I ran after him. He growled and punched a tree.

"Hey are you ok," I asked.

"The love of my life sacrificed because I was an idiot. No I'm not you fucking stupid bitch," he growled and then slid down the tree.

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