Chapter 13: storm spryzen.

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"You met with Aoi."

Shu stops in his tracks and shrugs, internally sighing in relief that the mask hides his red puffy cheeks and overall terrible appearance. "So?"

"I told you not to."

"And I ignored you." Shu says sassily and glares venomously at Theodore. "You can't control my entire life. I can do what I want."

He stomps away from the Snake Pit, leaving the shocked masked bladers behind. He walks through the raging storm and towards his apartment.

Shu ignores the odd look directed at him from one of the ladies in the apartment lobby. He walks up the flight of stairs and unlocks his apartment door, throwing the keys somewhere and slamming the door shut behind him.

Shu yawns and throws the mask to the hardwood floor. Water droplets plop to the floor and his shoes squeak with every step as he arrives in his bedroom. Shu changes into a light gray t-shirt and black sweats. His uniform lays discarded in a wet heap on the floor as he face plants on his bed, the mattress sinking under his weight.

Crimson eyes flicker tiredly around the room and rest blearily on the dresser. It is dusty and only a few books occupy the top. A red shine glimmers in his vision and his eyes snap open. Storm Spryzen lays on the dresser top, both top layer halves are connected and the three pieces fit together.

Shu bolts up from the bed and clumsily reaches for the dresser. He cradles his old beyblade in his pale hands delicately. He frowns once he notices his vision betrayed him and the top half is split into two.

He sighs in frustration and falls back onto his bed, staring at Storm Spryzen. 'I don't remember bringing you here... I earned a completely new bey and you were just... gone.'

Spryzen glints and it almost seems angry to Shu.

Shu rolls to his side and clutches it tightly. It reminds him of only months ago when he was in despair back in Japan, around the time he left; now he's just angry and heartbroken.

"Stupid beyblade," Shu growls and he raises his arm to throw Spryzen across the room and into the trash can - he can't. Shu's arm hovers in the air before he huffs in frustration and holds it to his heart.

Spryzen, the old one, reminds him of home, of the BeyClub, his mom, Valt - he internally winces and screams into his pillow. "Why do I love the idiot?! I can't - I'm not supposed to...."

Yet when Shu closes his crimson eyes to sleep, the bluenette is back smiling at him....


The beach waves are calm and cooling to Shu as he sits on the sand, watching them crash against each other before retreating back. The sunset glimmers against the waves and casts it into shades of yellow, orange, and red.

Shu lays his head on his knees and smiles lightly at the soothing sound of the waves and almost falls asleep.

He stands after a while and takes Storm Spryzen from his jacket pocket. He decided to not be Red Eye for today and wore a gray hoodie, light red t-shirt, black pants and shoes. He doesn't even bother to cover his identity as he knows no one will actually care.

Shu looks over to a boulder in the water and splashes towards it. He places Spryzen gently on the boulder.

"Looking at you I remember everything and everyone back at home and what I'm missing now.

Yet, I still want to be strong and become even stronger; the urge to become powerful won't go away, and neither the will to destroy Lui's bey this time."

Shu's eyes narrow and he's more certain now than ever - to become the villain.

"I'm leaving you behind, probably for good. I'll keep following the path I've already decided; Red Eye. I'll become the most powerful blader no one will dare challenge me! Yet....."

Shu's hands curl into fists.

                ".... I Love Valt! I don't want to become a complete monster!"

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