Chapter 01: broken.

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A lone boy with white hair sits on his bed, dully looking at the trophies standing on his dresser. They glitter and gleam, even though he thinks they shouldn't. After all, it was only second place.

Shu Kurenai
2nd place
Beyblade Championships
Storm Spryzen

The trophy read. That's it, that is all he'll ever be; second place, right behind Lui. Normally, this wouldn't affect him this much but it is, especially with the "death" of his beyblade Spryzen.

Shu clutches the red beyblade in his left hand, the edges of it making indents on his pale skin. The boy's gaze soon flickers to the beyblade. A large, jagged crack runs right down the middle of the top piece. His teeth grind together as he reflects back to his battle with Lui. Not only had he lost last time and this time, but he ended up breaking Spryzen. And no, it wasn't Lui's fault no matter how much Shu tries to think it is. No, it is his own fault for the "death" of Spryzen. He was the one who burst his beyblade, it was his fault because he pushed Spryzen too much.

A single tear drips down his pale face, plopping on the S of the beyblade. "I'm sorry, Spryzen. I am so, so, so sorry." Shu closes his crimson eyes and bows his head.

Spryzen's eyes water at Shu's words.

Standing up, Shu quietly slips out of his room and to the front door, putting on his shoes and leaving silently. Although he really doesn't have to because his parents aren't home. His father died a couple years ago and his mother is away working the night shifts to pay the rent. It's hard to guess, but the family of two are struggling to keep the home they have lived in for so long. Has Shu told his best friend in the entire world, Valt, yet? Absolutely - not. The one thing Shu hates the most is for people to worry about him even though he's fine - well, sort of.

Shu's black boots click against the concrete as he stands in front of the small little beystadium that the whole BeyClub has used. It seems like a week ago that the championships happened, but it had only been three days - tomorrow is Tuesday. Shu had decided to skip school because of the guilt burning in his gut. He had promised Valt to meet him at the championships - what a lier. In the end, he failed and Valt ended up battling and losing to Lui.

Shu stares at his bey, cradled in his hand. He starts shaking as he thinks, 'this is it. I'll never be able to battle ever again. I'll never be able to battle Valt, I'll never be able to win in any championship with Spryzen and celebrate with everyone - it's all over. All because of me.'

"I can't change anything - I can't fix Spryzen, " he chokes out.

Shu covers a gloved hand over his mouth and squeezes his eyelids shut. He doesn't care if his shoulder is acting up, he doesn't care about anything anymore. 'Maybe it would be better for me to disappear,' he wonders, 'if I left would anyone care? If I left to any other country, who would care? Would Valt care? The one I've loved ever since I was young?

No, I can't think of that, I promised I would never let myself become that broken again. Even though he's got a big heart and we've been together since, well, forever. But if I let myself fall in love again, it'll just be a repeat from last time.

It's better to just leave while I can, right? After all, who am I without my beyblade?

(who really is Shu Kurenai?)

So, maybe I should just cast all of this behind. To leave all the empty promises behind, to leave my façade behind, the one that always shows how strong I am. The façade that hides my insecurities, and that hides all my sadness inside. The façade that says "I'm fine, don't worry."

Besides, I won't trouble anyone. Even though I bet they'll be disappointed, it won't hurt them, and I'll be just fine on my own.....


//Ghost.// Valt × Shu: Beyblade Burst GodWhere stories live. Discover now