chapter 2

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I tried to see but all I saw was black emptiness, for a moment I start to panic as I realize what happened I calmed down. I have no idea where I am or what the vampires and werewolves are doing working together. For as long as any witch can recall, the two groups have always hated each other. I wonder what changed all that; all I know is that I really want to see something other than darkness. As time started to drag on, I tried my best to fight against the shackles and the darkness.

“You’re wasting your time.” Alucard said.

“Yeah, but at least I’m doing something to pass the time until one of you lets me see.”

“If I untie you, you can’t cast any spells got it.”

“Yeah, fine. I just want to see something. Alucard what did you do to me when you were at my house?”

“You fell into my dark pit trap which makes anybody go unconscious.” Alucard said as he unshackled me.

“Thank you. Alucard, why am I here?”

“I’ll let Shawn answer that when he gets back. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to go and feed. Oh, witch don’t even think of trying to escape.”

I do actually have a name other than witch, but I can feel Alucard ready to kill if need be. I value my life enough to know when not to correct him.

“I really wouldn’t do that anyway. I’m curious why both vampires and werewolves have made a treaty with each other and how I’m part of this.” I said as Alucard started walking away from my cell.

The cell had one wall that is part of a cave and the rest metal bars standing two inches apart. I look at the floor to see mostly dirt, but not just any kind of dirt. This dirt is rich with magic and I could actually use its power to heal myself. However, I did promise Alucard no spell casting. I try to move to the other side of the cell closer to the exit, but I could tell that something is wrong. Instantly I grab some dirt and drawn a circle with a bird inside and the letters CH for Cliffhaven. Faintly I could feel the magic flowing in the circle, I do a simple healing spell and I started to get better. Only problem is just as I was about to get to the climax, I felt this horrible pain all over me.

“What the hell?” I asked as I immediately stopped, but the pain didn’t.

I look around and see that four werewolves are in fact holding onto my weakness. I thought that I buried it far from here and deep, apparently not far or deep enough. I could see one of them rubbing my favorite stuff animal, a black gorilla against the ground; looking at my arm I could already see dirt and blood smearing together from one of the werewolves moving my anchor. An anchor for a witch can be a number of things, I chose a stuff animal; the purpose of an anchor is for powerful spells. I moved closer to the exit and the pain became worse, I figured fairly quickly that if I try to move towards the exit my anchor gets scratched. I moved back against the dirt wall and drew my coven’s sign; I tried to perform a simple healing spell but nothing worked. I realized that I can’t feel any light; my coven’s power comes from the light.

“Please stop it. You don’t know what you’re doing.” I tried to plea with the werewolves.

“Hey look at that a pathetic witch pleading for us to stop.” One light brown werewolf said as he was lightly dragging my anchor on the ground.

“I’m not pathetic.” I said getting tired of the werewolves using my anchor to torture me.

I casted a very powerful spell that caused the cell and the room to shake violently. I got up and finished my healing spell until I felt okay, but I tried to control my powers. No matter how much I tried to calm down I couldn’t get my powers to stop. I stuck my hand out trying to reach for my anchor only problem is that the werewolves thought I was trying to get them. They threw my anchor against the wall and I could feel how much my head hurt, unfortunately for me they put two and two together. I could hear my scream bouncing back off the walls and bars, I don’t care why I’m here all I want is for the werewolves to stop torturing me.

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