5. First Kiss

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You and Luke had been dating for five months now and still hadn't kissed. It didn't matter to you because you didn't want to rush anything since this was your first serious relationship. You were walking through down town when it began to rain. Everywhere you both looked people were huddled trying to escape the rain. Luke decided just to walk you home because you wouldn't be able to enjoy your date at the zoo. By the time you got to your house you and him were drenched." So much for trying to get you home as dry as possible," Luke said.

" What about you Luke? You don't live close," you asked.

Luke shrugged." I'm already wet."

You both just stared at each other for a while. Then you started to lean in and he closed the gap. You smiled into the kiss." I love you Luke," you whispered to him.

" I love you too, Y/N," he whispered back.


You and Ashton had been for three months. It was a really hot day and Ashton had you and the boys over for a pool party. You laid on one of the chairs trying to get a little tan without burning yourself." Come in the pool Y/N!" Ashton called to you." In a few babe," you said. Ashton didn't like that. He got out of the pool and picked you up." Ash! Your all wet!" you screamed. He set you down at the edge of the pool." Ready?" he asked." What are you talking abo-" Ashton smashed his lips into yours. At first you didn't respond, you were too shocked because it was the first time he kissed you. Then you got into it. You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck. You both fell into the pool still kissing. You kept that kiss going underwater but then went up because you both needed a breath." I love you Y/N," he said." Love you too, Ash. Thanks for dragging me into the pool."


You had been dating Calum for a month. Tonight there was a meteor shower and you really wanted to see it. Calum said he a perfect place to see it. He drove you several miles outside of town. He found a hill that was tall but not too tall and wasn't surrounded by trees. He set out a picnic blanket and you both laid down on it. You were both talking when you saw a flash out of the corner of your eye. You looked up and saw it was starting." Ooh Cal, its starting," you said." Don't forget to make a wish," he said. After a few minutes of the meteors going past you got board and looked over at Calum. He was staring at you. He scooted closer to you kissed you." What did you wish for?" you asked him." That this would last forever. How about you Y/N?" he asked." The same thing Calum."


You sat on the ground with Luke, Calum, and Ashton. Michael had left a moment ago to go get another slice of pizza." Okay Y/N," Ashton said." Truth or dare?" You thought for second." Truth." " Have you and Michael kissed yet?" he asked. You shook your head." When he comes back," Luke said." Kiss him."

You frowned." I said truth not dare." " Your truth needed a kick," Calum said. Michael came back in and sat next to you." Hey Michael," you said. Michael turned towards you and you planted your lips on his. You pulled back but he quickly pulled you back in for another one." I've wanted to do that forever," he said." Why didn't you," you asked." I was scared I would screw it up." he admitted. You laughed. You found it cute that he was worried.

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