Wedding Series// Telling The Families

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Picture is your engagement/wedding ring

Luke: Your and Luke's families got along great, so it wasn't hard to tell them that you two were engaged. You decided that a simple dinner between the two families would be the easiest way to tell them. You and Luke had bought a house a few years into your relationship, so you decided to have it there.

You and him watched your families mingle anxiously guessing what your news is. "Think we should tell them now, Luke?" You asked your fiancé. He nodded. You got everyone's attention. "Attention everyone, we have some exciting news."

"You're expecting aren't you!" Someone shouted. You and Luke grew red in the cheeks at that interesting guess. "I knew it."

"No we aren't having a baby," Luke said. "Y/N and I are getting married!" Cheers erupted around your congratulating the two of you. A smile spread across your face knowing how amazing this is going to be.

Ashton: For awhile your parents didn't like Ashton and he grew on them later. You were still afraid something would happen and they wouldn't like him anymore. Getting engaged was one of those things.

You invited your parents and siblings and Ashton's mom and siblings over for a barbecue to tell. Your and Ashton's sibling kicked around a ball, your dad and Ashton talked and grilled, and you say in the patio with your mom and Anne.

When dinner was ready, eaten, and gone, it was time to tell them about your engagement. You two stood up and everything became very quiet. "Ashton and I are getting married!" You blurted out not wanting to hold it back. It was quiet for second but soon everyone was cheering for you and him.

Calum: You called your family and he called his family. It was one of those things where you just couldn't wait to tell anyone. Calum got through to his family first.

"I'm so proud and excited for you two," Joy said. "Congratulations Cal and Y/N. I look foreword to the wedding."

Soon you got a hold of your parents. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" Your mom asked.

You smiled even though she couldn't see it. "I have something to tell you," you said excitedly.

"I'm going to be a grandmother!" She shouted that even Calum could hear. He laughed and you chuckled.

"No mom, I'm not pregnant. Calum and are getting married!" You said. She squealed through the phone and went and told your father. They couldn't wait to have him as a son-in-law.

Michael: When you got back to Australia, you invited your parents and Michael's parents out to dinner to tell them. You and Michael had no siblings, so it was a small dinner.

You sat around the table quietly eating with small talk happening. "Y/N dear," Karen said. "Is that a ring on your finger?"

"Goodness it is!" Your mother said.

"Well, Y/N and I are getting married," Michael said. "She's one of the eat things that ever happened to me and I couldn't let he go."

You blushed and everybody kinda went soft at his words. They were so excited to see there children happy and loving. Your parents knew then and there, if they hadn't fully realized it before, that he wasn't going to let anything happen to you.

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