I Won't Give In

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I finish straightening my hair, I look at myself in my mirror. Tonight is going to go great, my father is going to love Ben for who he is.

I'm going to accept my father back into this family because my father will love Ben. There will be no yelling or cursing or fighting.

Things will be good.

I walk downstairs as I see mom putting the plates and utensils on the table.

"Please keep an open mind and get to know him before making anymore judgements upon him," I beg my father.

"I," My father begins, he catches a look from mom and he looks back at me, "of course hun, I will try to keep an open mind for this boy,"

"Well you should start off by actually saying his name," I tell him, crossing my arms.

"What's his name?"

"Ben Bruce, but please don't say his last name, I know you say people's last name when you dislike someone, just call him Ben,"

"I suppose I could try,"

I smile at him and walk to the kitchen to help mom. We hear the doorbell ring, I go to get the door but my father beats me to it.

I pray he doesn't have a rude greeting.

"Ben Bruce," My father says as he opens the door.

"Father!" I scold.

"Hi Mr. Banks," Ben awkwardly but confidently says.

"Hi Ben," My mom smiles as she hugs him.

"Hello Ms. Banks," Ben grins, loosening up.

My father lets Ben in as we go and sit down in the living room.

"So Benjamin tell me something about yourself," My father tells Ben.

"Well, I love music, I play the guitar actually," Ben tells him confidently and cool.

"Would you care to play something?" My father asks as he points to the guitar by the tv.

"S-sure," Ben says.

My father gets up and grabs the guitar, he hands it to Ben. Ben begins to tune the guitar. 

"What would you like me to play sir?" Ben asks.


Ben begins to play random chords, eventually he starts to play a familiar sounding song.

"Well Benjamin, I'll be damned, you're a pretty good guitar player, what's that song you're playing?" My father asks him.

"Intoxicated I Love You," Ben speaks, smiling.

I just smile as my father tried not to crack a small grin.

"Dinner is ready," My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Ah shall we?" My father stands up.

We walk to the table, my father sits at the end, as my mom sits at the other end. Ben and I sit across from each other.

"Would you like something to drink Ben?" I ask.

"Just a water please,"

I offer a drink to mom and my father. I get the drinks and set them on the table.

I sit down as we begin to eat.

"Benjamin would you like some bourbon?" My father raises a brow, getting up and walking to the counter.

"No, thanks," Ben kindly declines.

"So riddle me this Ben Bruce," My father goes and sits back down. "If you're into partying and drinking, then why don't you have a drink right now?" My father stares at Ben, intimidatingly.

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