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The mission went smoothly and we saved Meliorn but it also failed. Alec was there and he told me somethimg I mever thought I would here.


"Izzy, Clary get Meliorn out of here." I said as Izzy and Clary got Meliorn oit of there. "Alec, are you really going to side with the Clave on this. If we weren't here to stop it. We would have had a riot on our hands."

"The law is the law amd the law-" Alec started bit I quickly cut him off.

"Alec you know better then anyone about how I feel about that phrase, but of you think I am going to sit back and let the Clave do this you are an idot who doesn't know me Alec. Join us, its like the Clave is breaking the accords. If they follow them we have to follow them to Alec. Please come with us." I begged. He then tried to slide past me but I blocked him and we started to fight. It was a quick fight before I had him pinned to the ground. "You know the Clave os wrong about this please come with us." I got up off him and backed up a step.

"I hate you Jen." Alec said. It took me back like a punch in the stomach or a slap in the face. A tear ran down my face.

"After everything! That is what your going to say! I knew it wasn't a good idea for you to marry Lydia. I knew she would turn you against me." I yelled. "If you really do hate me that much then never talk to me again Alec." Then I left. Jace waited outside and I am pretty sure he heard everything and he embraced me in a hug.

Flashback End

So here I am back at the institute putting a tracking chip placed in my shoulder. That only Jace, Izzy, Clary and Hodge know about. Izzy and I came back to the institute to get a few things. Izzy was staying here and my back up story was already planned out. I decided to give Mayrse time so Jace, Clary and I went to stay at Magnus's for a while. When actually one of the things I had to grab was the mortal cup. I couldn't trust it in the hands of the Clave espically after pulling the stunt they just did with Melorin. I left. We didn't go to Magnus's we followed Melorin. I met them at the entrance of the seelie realm. When Jace saw me he smiled and walked up to me.

"I was starting to worry." Jace said then pulling me into a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too and yes I did get it." I smiled.

"Well come on love birds. I am about to explain Clary's necklace."Meliorn said. We walked back to them hand in hand like usual. "Okay, her necklace is a portal shard from another realm. You find the portal, you place the shard in the portal, you find Valentine. I must warn you this other realm is what the world would have been like if the shadowhunters won the war with the demons. There would be no demons, no need for shadowhunters so you all are mundane in this world."

"So what your saying is that I am not a monster in that realm." I asked.

"Yes, but Jennifer, from what I have seen your not a monster, the Clave is." Melorin said. "Well follow me we have a hike up some hills here and everybody will go through the portal, well you will go through the portal." We walked for a few minutes before we stopped. Melorin then started to do a few hand motions which made the trees in front of us bend to his command. He stopped and opened the portal. "Make sure you have a rock to keep you connected to this world." I closed my eyes as we jumped in. Then I opened them. I was standing in the middle of Clary's apartment, next to Clary and Jace. I looked around the room to see a painting and it said 'Jocelyn Morgernstern' at the bottom. Well this is screwed up.

"You okay?" Jace asked me causing me to jump.

"Yeah, I am fine, what about you?" I asked him.

"I'm fine." Jace said as Valentine walked into the room.

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