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Cara Delevingne as Jennifer Starkweather

My name is Jennifer Starkweather, daughter of Hodge Starkweather. I was two when the uprising happened. My mother died in child birth, so it was just me and my father. I know, my father was apart of the circle and a traitor but He has never betrayed me. Due to the uprising me father and I were sent to the New York Institute. He is never able to step foot outside of the institute as for me Alec Lightwood is my best friend. When Izzy came I was 3 and Alec was 2. Then Jace came, I was jealous. He took MY best friend and made him his parabati. I was pissed and jealous that they had gotten so close but he will always be my best friend. Eventually Izzy and I became parabati. My dad was so proud I remember the smile he had. I have my dad's hair, and my mom's eyes as my father said anyway.

       Eventually Jace and I started having feelimgs for each other. I was the first one to make the first move.

Flash back

We were fighting off five demons. It was Jace, Alec, Izzy and I and the extra Shax demon came after me as I fought my demon. It hit me is the leg. Izzy was the first one to realise I was hurt, through our parabati bound. Alec and Jace quickly killed the demons as Izzy was watching over me.

"Jen, its going to be alright okay. It's going to be just fine." Izzy repeated as she put many itraze on my leg. As soon as the boys were done fighting Jace came to me and my eyes fluttered causing me to black out.

My eyes then fluttered open to reveal the infirmiry. I saw Izzy on one side of me, Jace next to her, and my dad and Alec on the other side. They were all wake talking to each other.

"Jace, what excatly happened?" My father asked. I tried to move my hand but Izzy's hand was in mine. He eyes instantly landed on my face.

"Oh my god. Thank god. Your alive." Izzy said as she went in to hug me. Everyone's eyes darted towards me.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I tried to adjust my stiff body.

"Four days." Jace said looking at me with guilt.

"We thought you were going to die." Alec said looking at me with worry it was obvious that they were all crying, earlier. Izzy finally let go of me and lete escape her hug just to land another one from my father.

"We were all so worried. I thought you were going to die." My father whispered as I felt the tears running down his face.

"Well you can't get rid of me that easily." I joked. My father let go amd Alec giving me a fairly quick hug.

"Don't ever do that to us again." He mummbled.

"No promises. Its part of the job description." i chuckled. I was pretty much as sarcastic as Jace, it is fun.

"Well, I would love to stay sweetheart but Mayrse wanted to know when you wake up." Dad said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. He then left.

"Alec and I need to go do something." Izzy said as she left dragging Alec with her. Jace then pretty much attacked me. He was wearing his gear as he hugged me.

"Jen. I thought something was going to happen, i thought-" He said as I cut him off with a kiss. He kissed back with worry, and love and passion. Our tounges explored each others mouthes as we fought for domince. We then partedafter a minute.

"I am okay now." I said after we parted. "It's nothing i haven't been through before." I then took his hand in mine and we just sat there for a while. Jace then broke the silence.

"Do you need anything?"  He asked.

"I need not to be stuck in this bed." I smiled.

"You do know everyone is going to bug you about getting bed rest right?" Jace said as he held my hand.

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