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The spell was over with it hurt like hell but I remember everything. The reason they blocked my memories was becuase it was Valentine callimg me his daughter.

Alec walked into the room shortly after the spell was complete amd hugged me. It was rare that Alec gives hugs but when ot comes to his family he is a big teddy bear.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked me sitting next to Magnus on my bed.

"Physically yes, Mentally I am pissed." I said becuasr it was the truth.

"Why are you pissed?" Alec asled confused.

"Oh, my da- Hodge didn't tell you?" I said tjen Alec looked at me with a raised eyebrow and then Clary walked in but none of us noticed her. "He isn't my real father. Valentine is. Clary is my sister and apparently Jonathan is my twin brother."

"Wait a minute! I had a long lost sister too.  This is getting confusing." Clary said.

"Tell me about it but I guess we are in the boat Clary." I sighed "But it is going to weird not calling Hodge, my dad."

"Yes, definitely." Jace said sittimg beside me on infirmiry bed. My head was on his shoulder and we were holding hands.

"Well I better get going. I have a client soon who hates when I am fashionably late. Goodbye Alexander, call me sometime. Goodbye biscut and her sister that I haven't made a nickname for yet." Magnus said as he made a portal and left.

"He definitely has a thing for you Alec." I said with a sigh.

"It is so obvious I could tell from a mile away." Izzy said as she walked in. "So what's up?"

"Beside Hodge not being my real father, and Clary beimg my sister amd Jonathan beimg my twin absolutely nothing." I said as a rub circles in to Jace's hand with my thumb.

"What!" Izzy said surprised. "I am so sorry Jen. This must be confusing with the man who raised you turnimg out not to be your father." She hugged me. "But on other news Mom is coming home."

"But I need to go talk to him, alone." I said looking at my best friends and my boyfriend and my sister. "I also need to know if Mayrse knew about me being Valentine's daughter."

"Just take it easy. You just got that very violent memory block out of your brain. We don't want you to black out." Jace said.

"I will be." I said as I got up then Mayrse came i to the room. "Mayrse."

"Jennifer. Are you okay?" Mayrse asked me.

"Yes I am fine, I am just pissed that my whole relationship with Hodge was a lie. So, Mayrse did you know Valentine was my real father?" I asked her. She sighed.

"Yes. I knew.-" She said then I cut her off.

"Now I need to go talk to him." I said walking out of the Infirmary. He is usally either in the training room, libary, or in his room so I go to the training room first to find him beating up a punching bag. I sighed. "Dad." I appently spooked him becuase he jumped. He turned aroumd amd looked at me.

"I am not your father Jen." He said. "Trust me I wish I was but I am not."

"Stop it. I don't care if your not my biological father. Your the one who raised me. Your the one who gets worried everytime I go on a mission. Your the one that almost killed Jace becuase you heard we are dating. Your the one that spent all his time with me when I got sick with the mundane flu. Your the one that trained me. Your the one that taught me how to walk. Your the one that taught me to always keep my promises. I don't know about you but that sounds like a father to me." I lectured. "Yeah I am pissed about you lying to me but I know why. You wanted to protect me. I don't care if Valentine is my real father. For all I care he can go to Edom. We may not be blood but you are my father nothing can change that. I love you, dad." A tear escaped my eye.

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