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I got back to the institute and walked to the library, to find my dad working and going through case files.

"Hey sweetheart. What happened with Magnus?" He asked looking up from the desk. I closed the library door a walked up to him.

"Clarissa Fairchild is what happened also known as Clarissa Morgenstern." I said as I glared at him. "Jocelyn asked Magnus to ask me to follow Clary tonight becuase Valentine is back in town."

"Why you?" My father asked me.

"Becuase when I was two Jonathan Morgenstern was my best friend." I said as I sat in one of tje Library's chairs. "Dad swear by the Angel you won't lie to me when I ask you this next question."

"I swear by the angel I won't lie awnsering your next question." He said looking at me suspiciously.

"Did you know Valentine was in town before I told you?" I asked.

"No I didn't know he was in town." He said and I felt relief. "Now I have a question for you. Are you and Jace having sex?"

"No we are not having sex." I said bluntly. Then I got up.

"Good I am not ready for grand children." He said as I gave him a hug.

"Trust me. I know." I said. "Well I better go find him."

"He is probaby in the training room." My dad said.

"Thanks Dad." I said leaving the Library. Then I ran into Jace. I could tell becuase he smelt, well like him.

"Hey babe. Heard you were back so I went looking for you." Jace said as he gave me a hug.

"Hey. Well you found me. Now we need to go talk, in the green house." I said taking his hand and dragged him to the green house. We walked up the stairs of the green house and we sat an on the 5th step.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked with a concerned face.

"My dad just asked me before I left the Library if we were having sex." I told him. Jace laughed.

"He bluntly asked you if we were having sex."Jace chuckled.

"Yeah, he did." I started laughing with him. Then the laughing died.

"So. What happened with Magnus Bane?" Jace asked with concern.

"I have my own mission tonight. It isn't as fun as killing demons. I have to follow Clarissa Fairchild. Who was raised a mundane but is actually a shadowhunter and has No idea the shadowworld even exists but I will be close by and if you see a girl with bright red hair that is the girl I am supposed to follow becuase he mother is Joceyln Fairchild or more well known as Joceyln Morgenstern. The ex wife of Valentine who turns oit to be in town." I explained.

"Why you though?" He asked confused.

"Becuase when I was two Jonathan Morgenstern was my best friend." I said.

"I keep on forgetting ypu have a photographic memory." Jace said wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into his lap. Our lips pressed together. My hand ran through his his hair as he pulled me closer to him. Our mouths moldimg together as we fought for domnice. We parted parted as the sprinklers started. "I love you Jen." I didn't care about getting soaked from the sprinklers I kissed him with everytjing I had. Then I parted from him.

"I love you too Jace." He immediately kissed me back i could tell he loved me just through the way he kissed me and the way he touched me. We then parted after a few blissful moments.

"We might want to go before they come looking for us." Jace said as he looked into my deep blue eyes and I look into his golden eyes.

"Yeah." I said as we held our gaze into each other's eyes. He broke our gaze as the sprinklers made his hair glisten in the mid day sun from the glass of the green house. I focused on the detailof his face to relise he was blushing. The thing is I have never seen him blush. "I love you Jace."

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