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the kids make it back to the byers' house, gathering inside and the kids sitting at the table while hopper yelled into the phone.

violet kept looking at mike, knowing it was wrong, or that it felt wrong. she caught him glancing at her a few times and her heart sped up again. but he hated her. or maybe he was just scared. either way, she needed to contain herself.

"they didn't believe you, did they?" dustin asked in defeat when hopper hung up the phone.

"we'll see," hopper replied.

""we'll see"? we can't just sit here while those things are loose!" mike shouted at him.

"we stay here, and we wait for help," hopper strictly told him, walking off to another part of the house.

violet took the risk of placing her hand onto mike's shoulder, rubbing it lightly. "hey, calm down. it's alright."

mike acknowledged the girl by just letting the girl do so and slide her a quick glance of thanks. he relaxed back in his seat for a few, violet removing her hand to set it on the table.

mike suddenly stood up and walked over to a pile of games bob had left for will before he died.

"did you guys know bob was the original founder of hawkins av?" mike said, picking up the blue box.

"really?" lucas said, mike turning around to stare at the others.

"he petitioned the school to start it and everything. then he had a fund-raiser for equipment. mr. clarke learned everything from him." mike smiled widely, which made violet's heart speed up.

"pretty awesome, right?" mike placed the box down.

violet softly smiled, too. "awesome."

dustin and lucas shared a "yeah," before mike suggested something.

"we can't let him die in vain."

"what do you want to do, mike? the chief's right on this. we can't stop those demo-dogs on our own," dustin responded, sighing.

"demo-dogs?" violet sounds out the word, scrunching her face in confusion at dustin.

"demogorgon, dogs." dustin uses his hands for weird gestures. "demo-dogs. it's like a compound. it's like a play on words--"

"okay," violet cut him off, clearly hinting that she understood already.

"i mean, when it was just dart, maybe..."

"but there's an army now," lucas chimed in.


"his army," mike said.

"what do you mean?" steve questioned, looking at the boy.

"his army," mike repeated himself, "maybe if we stop him, we can stop his army, too."

everyone looked at mike then at each other, they didn't know whether to disagree or agree.

mike grabbed a piece of paper with a drawing on it, dustin snatching it from him. "the shadow monster."

"it got will that day on the field," mike began, "the doctor said it was a virus, it infected him."

"and so this virus, it's connecting him to the tunnels?" violet softly questions, looking around at them for answers.

mike stared at the girl, seriously into her eyes. "to the tunnels, monsters, the upside down, everything."

"woah. slow down, slow down," steve paused him, waving his hand.

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