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Jasmine didn't actually see his hand connect with her ass, but she knew the sound. Jasmine hoped it was the truth. This would be the office tea of the century. Mr.Demage, fucking his PA, that tea would be scorching.  Of course she didn't know if they were fucking, but that's what she'd tell people. However if they were, she hoped Aryn was dumb enough to be persuaded into sharing whatever sexcapades she and Mr.Demage were engaging in. Maybe she'd be able to blackmail him into giving her hush money.

"Girl what?!" Aryn stared at her like she was crazy, about to lie through her teeth. "We high fived, what the hell." It was safe to say Aryn really disliked Jasmine. For one, she was messy as hell, not only did she tell everyone's business from her own family to both of their coworkers, but she was often the source of circulated rumors around the place. The rumor about Vanessa being Harem's girlfriend took the cake. Aryn had come to find out that she was his cousin, and she was visiting from Los Angeles. No wonder he was so amused when she had called her his girlfriend. When Harem had explained that to her, not only was she embarrassed but she was upset at herself for believing the rumor, and upset at Jasmine for creating the rumor in the first place.

"Oh shit. I thought y'all-." Jasmine frowned. She knew Aryn would be too much of a goody two-shoes to get involved with her boss like that. "I'm sorry. I should've known you wasn't that kind of girl." Jasmine ran her mouth, trying to save her ass. If only she knew, Aryn thought to herself as she listened to the girl in front of her babble. "Well I'm sure you have stuff to do, let me get out of your hair."Aryn silently glared at her retreating form until she had turned a corner, heading for the break room.

Bossy Boss 💛

                  Jasmine just asked me if you
slapped my ass 😭😭😭😭

Tell her to mind her business,
she's way too nosey for her
own good.

Aryn laughed to herself, starting the car. She loved a loud engine, something that roared, and the Tesla was literally the quietest car she'd ever come across. It was almost disappointing, Her first destination was Brooklyn. When she arrived at the cleaners, the first thing she did was greet the man at the front desk. He was a short old man named Paulo, according to his name tag. He had to be the cutest thing Aryn had ever seen. "Um, a pick up for Harem Demage." "Are you the knucklehead's girlfriend?" He asked her, with a smile. He had a strong Jersey accent. "Oh no, I'm his assistant." Aryn smiled back. "I'll be right back." The man came back with about fourteen hangers, seven dress shirts and the rest pants. He handed her a receipt and also gave her a business card and brochure. "Tell him uncle Paulo said a pretty girl like you, should be more than his assistant. And the card is for you. Gimme a call sometime, eh?"

Aryn laughed a little, giving him a small smile before she left.


Aryn checked off the last thing on her to do list as she walked out of Joe's. She had finished running her errands and now the last thing for her to do was take Harem his lunch. She stepped into elevator, holding it open for a man and two women. "Twelve please." "Twentytwo."

She pressed the buttons to their respective floors along with her own. Once she got off the elevator she knocked on Harem's door, waiting on the muffled come in, before entering. "Here you go. I have condiments in the bag." He nodded, handing her a Manila folder and some rolled up posters. "I need you to deliver those to the CFO. Please and thank you." He dismissed her as he began unwrapping his sandwich. Stepping out and closing the door behind her, she approached Jasmine's desk. "Where can I find the CFO?" She reluctantly asked Jasmine. "Twenty sixth floor."

Taking the elevator down, she knocked on the door and opened when she was permitted to.
"Chase." "Angel?! What storm blew you my way." She sat halfway on his desk, passing him the posters and folder. "Mr.Demage told me to deliver these to the CFO. Which is you." She said, before she smacked his arm. "You told me you were a freaking accountant, why are you downplaying yourself?" He rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging. "It sounds more ideal, I guess." "Only you, Chase Draghton. Who gives a fuck about being ideal." She rolled her eyes. He felt his face shift into a smile as he watched her pull up a chair in front of his desk. "You're doing big shit, you deserve the recognition." She was still the same girl from high school, petite as hell with all that sass. And ass, he thought to himself. He shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts, looking down at his wedding band. Sure he'd had a small crush on Aryn at least three or four years ago, but he was happily married now, he had eyes for his wife, and only his wife, and he was sure Aryn had her eyes on some lucky man as well. 

He twisted and turned his ring, Something he often did when he was deep in thought. Aryn noticed the gesture and perked up in her seat. She had totally forgot he was married. "Oh yeah, when did that happen," She smiled. "And who's the lucky lady?"

"Um, I want to say a year ago. And you remember Kaila from Spanish?" Aryn gasped. "I knew you liked her. And you swore up and down you didn't. Lying ass." He grinned at her, shaking his head at the accusation. "I didn't. At least not when you was accusing me of it." He corrected her, and from there they talked all the way until five, catching up and filling each other in until it was time to leave. Now that she knew where his office was, she'd always have someone to pass the time with, especially since Chase liked to get his work done early leaving him with a lot of free time on his hands.

"See you later Chase." Aryn said as she exited the elevator, waving until the doors closed because she was weird like that. She walked into her office, packing her belongings and locking her office up. She then knocked on Harem's door, waiting until she was permitted to enter. Which seemed to be never, until she saw the door open and Harem walked out. He led her out of the building and into the parking lot, waiting for her to put on her seatbelt before he started the car.

The ride home was silent, aside from Meek Mill's Fall Thru playing from the radio. That's another thing she liked about him, his taste in music was so diverse. The atmosphere was nice & mellow, and she didn't want to ruin it, until she saw a beauty supply store. "Hey," she grabbed his arm, making him jump slightly. "Can we go to the beauty supply, please." Harem slowed down the car, looking both ways before switching lanes and turning.

Song: Cardi B ft Kehlani x Ring

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