Chapter 13- The question!

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*3 weeks later*

I had been out of hospital for almost a week now, and had been spending most of those days inside. Today it was beautiful outside and Niall wouldn’t allow me to stay inside another day. So he called Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Alisa to come meet us down at the park down the street from the hotel for a picnic.

As I got dressed Niall went and packed the picnic leaving me time to think for myself. Pulling off my clothes, and stood in the mirror examining myself. My head was still bruised from the cut along the hair line, and my arm had been put in an Emerald Green cast. It had been signed by a few hundreds of directioners, who met me outside the hospital.

After my shower I put into one of my newest dresses and vans that were the exact same shade of emerald green as my cast. Tying my blonde hair in a ponytail an emerald green ribbon. Half skipping down into the kitchen where Niall sat legs hanging over the bench.

“Hey beautiful, don’t you look like the hottest thing I have ever laid eyes on” He smiled, pulling me into his embrace and kissing me on the cheek. “Are you ready to go?” He eyed me carefully.

“Of course, let’s go!” I grabbed his hand pulling him towards the door, he laughed running up behind me and wrapping his arms his waist, kissing me on the neck.

“I love you” He whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek again.

~10 minutes later~

We were now set up underneath a massive tree, Danielle and Liam sat leaning on each other playing with each other’s fingers. Liam had stopped to play with Danielle’s engagement ring, it was about 5 months before their wedding in Fiji. Alisa and Harry were getting on quite well, better than I thought they would.

Niall’s food spread was amazing. He had fruits, cakes, chicken, roast pork, breads, olives etc. When lunch was finished everyone went silent as Niall went looking through the picnic basket. I stood up, just so I could stretch out my legs. When he emerged from his search in the basket he held a ring box. My heart skipped about a hundred beats, as he moved onto one knee. Holding the box up to me, looking at me right in the eye, then popped open the lid.

There in the middle was a beautiful diamond ring, small band and three diamonds. Everyone’s eyes were glued on me, and mine was glued on Niall’s face.

“Naomi Fitzaberg, you are the most amazing, the most stunning person I have ever meet. I could never live without you; I don’t want to live without you. You make me the happiest guy alive. Will you marry me Naomi?” My mind clung onto the last few words that came out of his mouth. It kept replaying over and over in my mind. Niall was the only one I have truly loved, the only one who has truly meant something to me and he was finally proposing to me.

“Yes” whispered at first then I saw his face as if he was straining to hear what I said “Yes!” I said with a smile on my face. It finally registered to Niall that I had said yes, he grinned jumping up pulling me into a kiss. Wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

“Awww!” Alisa screamed, but he vaguely heard hear over my thoughts. I was now going to be the new Mrs Horan. Naomi Horan.

Sorry it's short, but YAAAY i was so happy when i wrote this!

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