Chapter 14b

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As Dietrich and I worked our way back to the dance floor, I tried to picture how he would dance. I couldn’t imagine him letting loose like Raymond and I had done earlier. But if Dietrich asked me to grind with him?

Why yes. Yes I would.

But it turned out he had other ideas. Just as we reached the dance floor, the haunting melody of a slow tango floated across the room. It was almost as if he’d planned it that way. 

“Thea let it slip that you know how to street tango.” He folded his arms, his eyes holding a challenge.

Street tango was so much different than the stiff, formal tango danced in the ballroom. Street tango was sultry and graceful, and almost as scandalous as grinding—in its own way. 

“She and I wanted to learn, but I couldn’t let the dance master hold me so closely. So he taught her, and then she taught me.”

“So you’ve never danced it with a man before?”

God, he made that sound positively seductive. I swallowed hard. “No.”

“Do you think you can, with me?”

Images bombarded me of exactly what I could do with him. I took a deep breath. Down girl. “I’m willing to try.”

He took me by the hand and led me to the floor. It wasn’t as crowded as earlier—not as many people knew how to street tango. We didn’t join the circular flow of dancers. Instead, he led me to an open corner where it would be easy to stop if I started to panic. It was darker there, less likely to attract attention. His consideration warmed me. 

We faced each other, but he didn’t pull me into his embrace. He slid his foot out, and I mirrored him. He paced toward me, and I retreated. For several counts, we danced together like that, not touching, letting me grow used to him as a partner. His eyes locked with mine, and I lost track of everything that wasn’t music and wasn’t him.

He caught my hand and drew me to him. I had worried I’d feel afraid in his arms, but any fear I had was easily outdone by the sheer enjoyment of the music and the warmth of his body next to mine. He rocked me gently for several beats, my preparation foot trailing in liquid curves on the floor. 

Then, like a bead of water trickling down a cold glass, we were dancing. 

The music was so beautiful, my throat ached. Romantic, and a little sad, it captured my mood from earlier. It seemed that we told the story of love itself—a dance of coming together and moving apart, two people searching for new ways to become one. 

He was an excellent leader, making me feel like I floated across the floor. He even got a little fancy, wrapping me around him like a ribbon, lifting me against his hips and spinning me around. I felt weightless as a leaf.

Then he held me close again, our legs tangling and brushing against each other, sparking awareness through my body. He didn’t speak, but his body told me this moment was as magical for him as it was for me. He wanted me, but he cherished me, too. The way he held me made me feel beautiful.

The last note of the song lingered in the air. He held me one more second, and I could feel his breath against my ear. 

Then applause broke out. I pulled away from him and realized that at some point, a spotlight had been turned on us. I didn’t know how long we had been the featured attraction, but the thought threatened to trigger my panic. 

Before it could, Dietrich grabbed my hand and bowed to our unwanted audience. I dipped a quick curtsey, and then he dragged me off the floor. 

“Are you going to be all right?” He spoke low and urgently.

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