Chapter9:A Gift

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Danny and his family was sitting on the opt center looking at the sunset."It's so beautiful." Sam said."Like you." Danny said and she smiled and blushed at him. Then there was something falling from the sky towards them."Hey, what's that?" Dani asked."Looks like a small box." Rose said as she held onto Dani. Danny caught the small box that was attached to a parashoot.

"It's from Robin." Danny said."Dear Brother. Here's a Titan Comunicater to stay in touch whenever you need something or some help. Love-Robin." Danny read from the note attached to the box. He opened the box and there was a small sircular device."Well, I have a awesome brother." Danny said."Well this is so nice of him." Dani said.

Next day in court
Robin and Jazz was there to help Danny and Sam in the fight for their freedom."Hey you got this." Robin said."Thanks bro." Danny said and smiled back at him."All rise." The officer said. Everyone stood up from their seat and The Judge of this case walked in. He nodded and everyone sat down. The Judge was looking through the evidence."The Guilty participant please rise." He said and Jack, Maddie and Vlad in his ghost form and in ghost prove cuffs stood up."Continue." He said.

"Phantom is a menis and he must be stopped. Can't you see he is tricking you to trust him then he'll betray you and take over Amity then the world?!"Maddie said. Vlad was the only one who knew he won't win this."Order!" The Judge said and Maddie shuts her trap."The defendant please rise and tell your side of the story." The Judge said and Danny and Sam in their ghost form rised."Judge. The Fenton's and Vlad took my class on a field trip to The Ghost Zone and Vlad released one of my deadliest enemies and that gotten Samsara and my secret identities to be exploded. When we all returned to The Fenton Portal, with Maddie in one of the kingdom's prisons for trying to kidnap the King and Queen of the Ghost Zone." Everyone gasped."Before you continue first tell me how you are King and Queen of the Ghost Zone if that Pariah Dark ghost claimed to be King." Danny smiled."Since I'm the one who locked Pariah Dark away never to be awaken again, I got the throne. He took it as a challenge for the throne so now I'm King and Samsara is my lovely Queen." Danny said.

"Now as I was saying," Danny started with clearing his throat,"the class went home and we all enjoyed the evening until the next morning when we arrived at school. Samsara, Dani my daughter and I were explaining to Mr Lancer why we were late and then Maddie knocked all three of us unconscious and put us in the GIW cells. About half and hour later we were experimented on without even been put to sleep." Danny continued.

"While we were in there they sexually assaulted me and my daughter." Sam said and everyone eyes went wide and gasped."Do you have proof?" The Judge asked."Yes, we do. On this Flash drive." Jazz said as she gave it to the officer who gave it to The Judge."Bring in the tv." Th officer said and two other officers wheeled in a large flat screen tv in the room."Plug it in." The Judge said and the officer plugged the usb into the tv."Before you start just know that on that flash drive is disgraceful and has no mercy." Danny said and The Judge nodded in understanding.

The video images from the security footage started.

Danny and Sam was on a table looking scared. Jack and Maddie walked in while putting on latex gloves."Please don't hurt them!" Dani shouted but Jack pulled out a ecto gun and shot her in the stomach."Dani!" Danny shouted but Jack used the handel of the gun to punch Danny who is struggling against the binds. Danny's blood was dripping from his head. He turned his head and looked at Sam who was crying."I promise we will get out of this." Danny whisperd.

Then Danny started to scream with Sam following. There they saw Jack and Maddie with bloody scalpels in their hands and Danny and Sam's chest open in a Y mark. They started to mess around in their organs.

The next image showed Jack touching Sam and Dani on places he shouldn't even think off. Sam was crying and Dani was struggling to get lose to get away from him."Please!!! Stop!!!" Dani yelled as Jack did horrible things to them.

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