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Robin's POV
How can we be brothers? How does he have powers but not me? His supposed to be a full 100% human not half of a human."Friend Robin?" Starfire said as she looked over my shoulder."I didn't know you had the brother?" She said."I did Star but I was adopted by Batman when I was little and my brother and I was separated." I said to her."Please don't tell Danny yet." I said."Why not? He is your brother. He needs to know." Starfire said."Yeah, I know but what am I going to say to him. "Hey Danny guess what. I overheard your conversation with your family and then I took your blood and compared it to mine thus finding out we are brothers."I can't say that to him. Starfire what should I do?"

"Just talk to him, when he trusts you fully and talk easily to him don't complicate it."

"Ok I'll try that."

Danny's POV
I'm planning on going to Gotham city first before going to the Ghost Zone for our safety. I need to find my brother but Ellie also said that he doesn't live there anymore. I'm first going to place where he lived. Bruce Whane's mansion. Hopefully he isn't like Vlad who cost us our lives. Jack knows about Vlad being half ghost. Yet he went after me and my family. I wonder why? Vlad's going to pay soon.

It was morning and I could hear with my sensitive hearing how Beast Boy and Cyborg is shouting waffles."Waffles, waffles, waffles." They said. Then the door slid open and Raven was standing there with a annoyed face."Something wrong?" Dani asked."Today Beast Boy and Cyborg are playing a stupid game called waffles." Sam's face and mine face was confused."It's where they only say waffles the first one not say waffles loses." She explained.

"That's a weird game. Me and Sam usually just throws the knife around the kitchen when we get bored." I said."That's atleast normal compared to those two. So can I get you anything?" She asked."We don't want to bother you." Sam said."Nonsense. I'll tell you what I'll bring you some food and juice or water so that you can get your energy back up." She said."Your not going to take no for an answer, right?" I said and she puts her hands on hips."What do you think?" She said as she left.

"Wow, she's uh, quite nice for a demon." I said in a low voice."Demon?" Dani asked."Yeah she's only half demon but I don't know what the other half is." I said as I layed back down.

Raven's POV
I went into the kitchen hoping that Cyborg and Beast Boy isn't there but to my bad luck, they were."Waffles waffles." Beast Boy said."Can you not play that game now!!" Robin shouted."Thank you Robin." I said."Waffles waffles." Cyborg said."If you don't shut up, I'm going to turn you into a waffle and feed you to Danny and his family!" I said and Beast Boy and Cyborg just shrinked as I got closer to them. Beast Boy gulped."Waffles." He squeaked out. I picked them both up with my magic and threw them through the wall.

"Raven can I ask you a favor?" Robin asked as he sat down."Sure." I said as I made Danny, Sam and Dani's cereal."So I found out that Danny, that is in the infirmary, is" I dropped the spoon that was in my hand."What?" I said as I picked the spoon up and went to Robin's side."I overheard Ellie talking about my secret identity and that Danny is my brother and I did go test our blood and it says we are brothers, but I don't know how to tell him and I want to do it ASAP." He said.

"Well then, you are going to help me carry their cereal to them and give Danny those papers you are failing to hide behind your back."His eyes went wide and he smiled like a goof."Okay fine."He said as he carried two bowls and a glass of orange juice with the papers under his arm. We reached the infirmary door and it slid open showing how Danny and Sam are cuddling and what I think Dani and Ellie is doing is also cuddling."I got some cereal!" I said as I floated to them.

"Thanks." They said in sync."Your welcome." I said and Robin was just staring at Danny. I rolled my eyes and jabbed him with my elbow in his side."Oww! Oh,yeah right." He took a deep breath."Danny. Please don't kill me for what I'm about to say. I overheard your conversation with Ellie last night and then I took my blood and the blood from a cloth we used to clean your wounds and compared it to mine and here is the results." He said nervously as he gives Danny the papers. Danny's eyes was green but he read the results and immediately his eyes flickered to blue.

His eyes went wide."Y-your m-my...BROTHER?!" He stuttered. I looked at Robin and he was stiff but he nodded."Can we quickly talk privately?" Robin asked and Danny nodded. They went to Robin's room and talked.

Danny's POV
Robin took me to his room and it looked normal."So mind explaining to me why you were eaze dropping?!" I shouted."I only did that to find out how I could help you." He said as he sat down on his bed. I sighed."How do I know this ain't fake?" I asked in a calm tone."My computer did the test and I can show it to you." He said as logged in into his computer. I looked over his shoulder and his screen showed the test results and I looked one side and saw a cloth with my blood on it and a needle with bloody red blood on the sides of the tube.

He wasn't lying.

"Ok I believe you."I said."Can you please explain how our parents died."

One minute later
"...the rope broke from the swinging and our parents, who was on that bar, fell and...died." He said."Wow." I said in shock."Okay one question. You were born as a human not a meta-human. How'd you get powers?" He asked."A freak accident with one of my ex-adoptive parents' crazy technology called the Fenton ghost portal. I walked inside being stupid and accidentally tripped and I supported myself from not falling and Jack Fenton being stupid to put the on button on the inside made me push the on button and that's how I got my powers. It did a Half ass job killing me." I said and his face was priceless.

"Wow and Jack and Maddie were those people experimenting on you?" He asked and I nodded.

"Phew. I thought you were going to kill me for eaze dropping on you." He said wiping off sweat on his forehead."Not anymore. Now that I know your my brother." I said as I walked up to him.

"Should we tell the team?" He asked. Just shrugged."Who else knows?" I asked."Only Starfire and Raven." He said."Starfire is the girl with the pink hair, right?" I asked and he nodded."She's actually a alien from a planet called Tamaran." He said."Alien?!" I shouted."Yes. Raven is half demon Cyborg is a meta human. He is half human half robot and Beast Boy I think is born in the amazons and me well is a full human. The only one with no powers, only skill." He said."Whoa. I'm a literal freak of nature. I'm stuck between two worlds." I said looking down to the floor."Hey, when your with us, your kind of normal here."He said and when I think about it he's right.

After getting Sam, Dani and Ellie to the living room area with the rest of the team.

"Team I called you here for a announcement." He said as I stood next to him.

"Danny is my brother."

Danny Phantom and Teen Titans Sequel to Danny Phantom:Field Trip Mayhem.Where stories live. Discover now