Chapter6:New Powers and Old Powers

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Danny jolted out of bed waking Sam up who was sleeping next to him."Danny you okay?" She asked almost immediately."Yeah...just a very disturbing dream." He answered as he pulled Sam into a hug."Do you want to talk about it?" She asked looking up at his blue eyes in the dark."This dream wasn't like before the stupid Field Trip of Mayhem. It wasn't about Dan. It was about them." He said."This will take some time to het over. We've all been through hell a lot, but it just makes us stronger." She said."Or in my case weaker." Danny said."Danny don't. You managed to clone yourself into five and you didn't even know how. Plus we shouldn't even be on our feet and we are walking like nothing ever happened to us." Sam said.

"Thanks Sammy." Danny said as he pulls her in for a tighter hug."I'm SO lucky to have you by my side." Danny said as he smiled."You feeling better now?" Sam asked."Yeah, thanks." Danny said and they both went back to sleep with Sam cuddling in Danny's arms.

The next morning everyone was sitting in the living room watching the news."Morning everyone." Robin said as he walked into the room."Morning." Everyone said."So today I have some training scheduled for us and after that a physical test to see if all of you improved from last time." Robin said as he went into the kitchen."That's so boring!" Beast Boy said."Why?" Dani asked."'Cause Robin always gets carried away with the training and since he doesn't have super powers we all have to do it once without our powers and then again with our powers." Cyborg said."I really don't care." Raven simply said.

"Okay. Well I think it might be nice to do something else." Sam said."Yeah. The obstacle courses at the GIW were extremely dangerous. It could've killed us if we weren't you know practically already half way there." Dani said. Robin came back in glaring at Cyborg."Since Cyborg thinks I get carried away with all this he is going first without his powers." Robin said and Cyborg groaned.

"Okay, let's begin with our training." Robin said as he opens the door leading to the gym."Whoa, this place is huge." Rose said."Okay Danny, Sam, Dani and Rose. If you want you can participate in the test." Robin said."I think I'm doing it. I need to get my mind off a nightmare I had." Danny said as he looked at Sam only to look back worried."Sam don't worry I'll be fine." Danny said."Yeah, but we are not fully healed yet." Sam said."I have the fast healing remember." Danny said."Whoa you have super healing?! Awesome!" Beast Boy shouted."What other abilities do you have?" Robin asked.

"Flight, invisibility, intangibility, ice ecto rays, ecto rays, eye ice lazers, normal ecto blast, Ghostly Wail, I can make my own portals and-" Danny was cut of by Cyborg."Can you do the Ghostly Wail?" Cyborg asked."Cyborg!" Robin shouted."Okay, one I can destroy this entire building and probably a part of the city and second I only use it for emergencies." Danny said."But it is pretty awesome." Danny admitted.

"Okay, we have all the equipment you need for every talent and-" Robin was cut of by the Crime Alert going off."Titans go!" Robin shouted as they went to the living room only to see it was Brother Blood robbing a tech store."Let's go!" Raven shouted and everyone arrived at the scene of the crime."Brother Blood." Robin hissed."Titans. What a wonderful surprise oh and you got new teammates, I'm just fluttered that you need so many people to take me down." He said."He sounds like Plasmius." Danny whisperd to Sam.

Brother Blood just smirked and from behind everyone was grabbed by Pain Bot."Surrender now or feel the familiar pain you all I presumly know." He said Danny's eyes and Sam's eyes went wide."Robin what does he mean and I can't go intangible?!" He shouted."I made it ghost prove after I saw you fighting that Vampire Ghost." Brother Blood said. Danny's eyes glowed a dangerous green."Okay! Pain Bot destroy!" Brother Blood said and the robot immediately started to hammer someone in the face, probbing them or stabbing but Danny got the worst one...electrocution.

"STOP!!!" He shouted releasing his Ghostly Wail breaking the strains on everyone and shooting Brother Blood into a building with the surrounding cars and mail boxes go with him."It's so awesome!!" Cyborg shouted but no one could here him. He slowly stopped and gasped for air. Thank God Dani or Ellie wasn't here."Danny are you okay?" Asked a bruised Robin."He...he use...used" Danny gasped out."How? It's not possible for your powers to work."Brother Blood said as he got up."Never ever use a ghost death against them." Danny said as he shot a ecto blast in his stomach making him collapse.

"Sorry for destroying the city." Danny said."Don't worry. They understand." Robin said with a reassuring smile."Come on we need to get everyone back to the tower and check their wounds." Robin said and Raven carried Beast Boy and Cyborg with her magic while Danny helped a limping Sam. Starfire was in pain but managed to walk with the help from Robin. Raven teleported everyone back to the tower and in the medical bay."I can use my super healing to heal everyone." Danny said and Robin nodded.

Danny started with Beast Boy. He placed his hands on his wounds and put the frost over it. Cyborg was unconscious from electrocution but Danny was afraid his ice might damage his motherboards and circuits. Danny went on to Starfire and he looked her in the eye and she nodded. Danny placed his hands on her body and started to cover her entire body in frost."WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Dani shouted as she came in the room."Uh...brutal fight." Danny said."Dad, I know what happened out there. Are you okay?!" She asked."Yeah, I'm fine it's just they gotten the worst treatment." Danny said."But they used electricity on you. They used you know what against you!" She yelled.

"And surprisingly it was enough for me to conger up my Ghostly Wail." Danny said as he continued to heal Raven and Robin."I'm afraid to use my ice on Sam since she needs heat to survive." Danny said."Danny?" Sam groaned."What hit me in my head?" She asked as she tries to sit up straight."Sam rest. You need it." Danny said."Why aren't you using your ice powers to heal me then?"She asked."Because I'm afraid of what the ice can do to your core." Danny said."But I have The Necklace of Ice." Sam said."Yeah...where are you going with this?" Danny asked."I'm saying that the necklace can maybe protect me from the cold I just need to know how to use it."

"What do you do when use The Ring of Rage?" Sam asked."I just focus my powers into the ring like I did when I gave the Phantom Thermos it's power source." Danny explained."Ok." Sam said as she closed her eyes and the necklace started to glow blue. Ice was swirling around the necklace and on Sam's wounds healing it."It worked!" Sam yelled."I have ice powers now." She added."That's so awesome!" Danny shouted. Sam got out of bed and everyone else was starting to wake up.

"Dude, how did we heal so fast?" Beast Boy asked."I used my healing powers on you except for Cyborg since I am afraid it could damage something from his robot side." Danny explained and Cyborg just woke up."Man that little robo bot can cause a lot of pain." He said."Are you feeling okay?" Danny asked."Yeah, I'm fine. Just the perks of being a robot." Cyborg said knocking on his metal chest.

"That guy reminds me of Vlad." Danny said."Yeah, he does in a weird way." Sam said."Okay because of this setback training is now tomorrow." Robin said as he sats down on the couch."So video games?" Beast Boy asked."Your on!" Cyborg yelled as they got snacks, ice scream and Coca Cola."3...2...1...FIGHT!" The video game announced and Beast Boy and Cyborg was fighting with their mega mechs.

"Love you little brother." Robin said.

"Love you too big brother." Danny replied and they did a fist bump.

Danny Phantom and Teen Titans Sequel to Danny Phantom:Field Trip Mayhem.Where stories live. Discover now