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Barry's POV
I recieved a call from Cisco begging me to come to Caitlin's house and that it's an emergency.

My muscles instantly tensed up hearing the horror in his voice. Within a couple seconds, I arrived at her house to see killer frost ready to attack any and everyone who entered the house.

Her eyes switched from white to brown when she saw me but then she forced it back into white.

Cisco was sitting at the table, looking as though he was trying to gather this thoughts. That's when I noticed the wall.

My blood started to boil just looking at the wall and I had to sudden urge to destroy who ever wrote that.

My rage must have been apparent because Killer Frost changed back to Caitlin to calm me down.

"Has anything like this happened before?" I interrogated.

Looking slightly guilty, she stated that someone did break into her home but they didn't steal anything.

Cisco got up from chair and he looked slightly pissed "And why weren't we aware?"

"I was going to tell you two tomorrow. It was no big deal. I could have handled it" she said.

"You don't have to handle it by yourself!" I raised my voice but then took several breaths to calm down.

She swallowed what I assumed was air and looked me straight into my eyes and said "I'm not some helpless little girl, Barry."

This made me sigh. Why is she so stubborn? I only want the best for her.

"Cait, I know you're strong and independent. I dont doubt that but you are a part of our lives-"

She motioned her hand for me to stop talking and said "you two won't be there to protect me throughout my life, I did what I had to do in the moment and like I said, I was going to tell you tomorrow. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to call Iris to stay with her tonight"

Cisco nodded at her and hugged her. "Im just glad you're okay and we will find whoever is doing this to you"

I cleared my throat "w-why don't you stay with me ?" I tried to sound demanding but that didn't quite work out.

She stopped dialing her number and said that I'll be too controlling and I won't let her out of my sight.

That is very true.

"I am controlling and I wouldn't have let you out of my sight even if there wasn't any danger" and by saying this, the mood of the entire room changed.

Her cheeks turned instantly red and Cisco stared at us.

After a couple moments of silence, I said "you can sleep in the guest room". She agreed to the offer and I felt happy knowing that she was with me.

"Hey, can you check upstairs to make sure there isn't anyone?" Amazed at her request because of her little speech on independence, I nodded and slowly went upstairs.

General POV
Caitlin whispered to Cisco "can you do a background check on Eli for me?"

Cisco said "do you think he's a metahuman?"

She rubbed her head at the thought of him being a metahuman then replied "I really hope he isn't."

Cisco remembered touching the wall when he came in her house to check what type of substance was on the wall. After realizing it was blood, he rushed to the sink and washed it off.

However, the time lapse between going to S.T.A.R. Labs and dropping Iris home was the perfect amount for someone to write on the wall. How did Cisco manage to go to Caitlin's house at that precise time?

It's quite obvious that there is no one that Caitlin trusts more than Cisco and friendships with trust are the most beautiful.

But sometimes, too much trust gets you killed.


Helllooo 💙

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