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Caitlin's POV

Oww, my head hurts. What happened? 

I touched my head only to feel a lot of moisture. After looking at my hand, I realized it's blood, my blood.

My breaths got heavier due to my memory lost and trying to figure out what happened. Killer Frost may be able to heal so I tried transforming into her but I failed. 

I then noticed the cuffs around my hand that Cisco uses on metahumans to prevent them from using their powers. 

Where am I? Who did this to me?

Suddenly, someone came from behind me and kicked me to the ground then wrapped a piece of clothing over my eyes. 

I shrieked in pain and went into a fetal position. 

"Enough!" A man with an undetectable voice shouted. He may have used some sort of technology to hide his real voice like what Barry does to hide his voice from individuals.

"What do you want!" I yelled. 

The footsteps became louder and I had a feeling that we were extremely close. 

He touched my face with a gloves and said "I want you to be happy". 

"You can be happy with me" he continued. 

"Do you think that making me bleed and kicking me makes me happy?!" I shouted and began kicking at what I hoped to be his direction. 

He yelled in a pain and fell down "YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE S***!" 

"Oh i'm so sorry, I thought you liked the physical abuse. Doesn't it make you happy?" I said coldly trying to mock their techniques to make me happy. 

He got up and stepped on the area where the first person kicked. He pressed on it hard which made me cry but they weren't tears of weakness, they were tears of anger. I imagined fighting them after this.  

While I was scared and in tears, an image of Barry flashed in my mind. 

I wanted to tell him how much I miss him, how much I enough his company, how much I love him. 

The guy eventually stepped off my now bruised calves then walked away. 

I hurled up and tried to plan my escape. I hated being the damsel in distress.

Another person or possibly the same person with an automated voice entered the room. 

Before they tied me up, I remember the room being the same colour of the walls in my house but it was different. I'm not sure where I am. 

"Hey" the person said. 

"I'm not very good at conversations, so if you came to take a couple punches then go right ahead but when I get out of here. When my friends find you all, you are going to be sorry" I said bitterly. 

There was no response so I continued to speak.

"Who knows, maybe you'll be the flash's first murder" I tried to get under their nerves.

What else can they do? Hit me? Stamp on me? Stab me? 

I've endured it all. Taking away my powers doesn't make me helpless. I am smart and I will find a way out. When I do find a way out, I will make sure they get what they deserve.

"Caitlin!" someone shouted across from me. 

Recognizing the voice. Iris? 

"Caitlin! Help!" she cried. 

"Let her go!" I demanded and attempted to limp towards her voice.

After a couple seconds of silence, the automated voice said "You can't be so reckless. I could beat you to death but that would mean your friends will cry over your death. Their hearts would break. Iris' heart would break"

He pushed me back down to the floor and screamed "BEG TO LIVE! BEG!" 

My stomach turned with anger but also guilt. 

Barry won't be able to look me in the eyes. 

This is why independence is so much easier. You live for you and you're allowed to make reckless decisions but when you care about someone and they care about you, seeing them hurt would make you hurt. 

Cisco, Iris and Barry will hurt if they see me in pain. I care about them. 

So I muster up the courage to let go of my pride and said "please don't hurt me" knowing that the had Iris in the room. 

Why was she so silent?

After a couple seconds, someone pressed their lips against mine. 


Two uploads in one day! I couldn't leave you guys with a cliffhanger in the previous part so here you go! :) Caitlin is alive and fine! Well... somewhat fine. 

Also, I checked the demographics for this story and I had no clue that so many of you live in different countries and you read the story. While the majority of you are from the USA, there are also quite a few from countries like India, Malaysia, Brazil etc. It's mindblowing. Thank you so much for reading the story as well as voting :) 

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