The Wedding - END

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General POV
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Barry asked Cisco as he was adjusting his tie.

His hands were cold and sweaty yet he managed to say "nervous as hell"

They exchanged looks and laughed as Cisco's brother came and got shots for everyone. "To the groom!" they cheered on, trying to ease his nervousness and drank the alcohol which evidently burned Cisco's throat but he was happy.

The feeling of brotherhood and warmth was all over the room.

"The bride is ready", Sara's dad came in and said.

This is it. One of the most important days of his life.

"Ready?" Wally asked him.

He took a deep breath and said "ready".


"How do I look?" Sara asked her bridesmaids before walking out with her father.

"Like the most beautiful bride I've ever seen in my entire life" Caitlin replied with a soft, genuine tone.

Sara smiled, a breath of relief escaped her mouth.

Her dad held his right hand out for her to grab on to walk down the aisle.

"Go marry the love of your life", her cousin, Alexa said causing her to leave with a smile on her face.


As Cisco and Sara met each other by the priest. His eyes were filled with water as he lifted her viel. She looked stunning.

Caitlin's eyes were locked on the beautiful, happy couple as they said their vows.

Her eyes became moist as she touched her stomach causing the man of her dreams to look at her.

They maintained eye contact for a long period of time.

It felt like it was just them, standing at the alter. Barry looked like he wanted to speak to her.

He analyzed her beauty. Her hair was down and she wore the red bridesmaid dress. He could see the tiny bump on her stomach but it wasn't massively noticeable.

She gave him a warm smile causing her eyes to glisten. He was left speechless. His breath got heavier as he realized in that moment that he wants to make their relationship legal.

Caitlin returned eye contact with the same burning desire. The desire to settle down with each other.

"I do" Cisco said as he looked at Sara, as though he craved her to be his one and only love for the rest of his life.

"I do", Sara cried. Their rings fitted perfectly on each other's fingers.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Caitlin and Barry gave each other a type of a look where the tension basically stated "I want to marry you".

As Cisco and Sara kissed, everyone got up and cheered. They all clapped their hands. Eyes were filled with water due to their vows and beauty of their relationship.


Everyone was slow dancing. Caitlin was wrapped up in Barry's arms with her eyes closed and head buried in his chest.

Their bodies moved in sync. His hands were on her lower back. Everything became silent.

"Cait?" Barry said.

She gently pulled away from his chest and answered "Yes ?"

He looked puzzled. Maybe they shouldn't marry so quickly but in about a month, he wanted to propose.

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