Chapter Twenty-Three

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The following morning they flew to Dubai, where the main studios were located. Back in his tower apartment. Andie threw herself back into her main writing, with no more rewrites, she could give it one hundred per cent. 

Shihab spent most of his day at the studio, going over the film.

Settled at a table, near the long full-length windows that circled the long balcony of the main room, she had the views to inspire her, reaching for her phone as it rang. "Hello Kristen, I'm writing!" She answered before she was asked.

"Cool your heels Andie; I rang to tell you the deadline had been extended. They love what you have written so far. 'Your best book yet,' quote, unquote. I kinda told them you shouldn't be pushed, and you will produce much better without the pressure."

Andie sank further back into her seat with relief. "How long?"

"How long do you need?"

"I have no idea, however, this story is writing itself. I'm done with rewrites, so can put my all into this."

"So where are you?"

"Dubai with the best views ever. Very inspirational, believe me."

"Good to hear, so when are you expected to come back?"

"Um, yes, about that, not coming back, well, not to live. You remember that producer you sicced onto me?"

"Yeeeees," she drawled out causally.

"Well, I married him."

"I knew it! One look of that hunk and I knew you would marry him!" Kristen took a deep breath. "Am I going to lose you?"

"No, of course not. Why would I get rid of my best editor and friend? We have come a long way, together."

"Yes, we have."

"Thank you for what you did. I will keep working on this until I am done," she vowed. They talked a bit longer and then went back to her writing. When Shihab arrived back, she ran into his arms and told him her good news.

"Good thing," he kissed her. "We are heading home tomorrow."

The following day, they flew out of Dubai and headed to his own country, a few hours away. "Andrea come here and sit down," Shihab finally ordered after she hopped from one seat to another, going from one side to another, looking out the plane's windows. She made a beeline for him and settled on his lap. His arm went around her as he scrolled down his computer. "Not actually what I have in mind, my love," he noted.

She nestled closer, nuzzling his neck, and then released a long, deep, body sigh. "What if they don't like me?" She asked softly.

"They are going to adore you, just be yourself."

"Well, I'm doomed then aren't I?" She played with the front of his shirt. "Perhaps, if I become in tune with one of my heroines? They always take it in their stride."

"No, they don't."

"You're not helping!"

"And we have been through this all before. You are going to be fine."

"What if I forget everything you have taught me?" She moaned in distress.

He laughed softly. "You haven't so far; actually, I think you have taught me a few things."

She made a deep sound in her throat with disgust. "I'm not talking sex."

"I hope not. I will not stand for that Andrea. I am the only sheikh you are allowed to have. Sweetheart, I have to get this done." She remained where she was, however, went quiet, running her fingers up and down his shirt front. "Can't you write?" She shook her head. Giving up, he lowered the lid of his computer. If she couldn't write, it was serious. He cocooned her into his arms. "Tell me what is bothering you."

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