Chapter Sixteen

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"Kathie?" Andie repeated dazed. "I don't believe it. That doesn't make sense. Why should she?" Shihab handed over her a cup of tea, then settled down at her side, where she snuggled up against him. His arm went around her in protection.

"I think you can call it the little green-eyed monster."

"Yes, well," she tugged at her ear. "I can understand that, so what did you do?"

"Nothing. She swears she didn't cut your cord or cancel your cards. I believe her. She was upset by the fact Levi gave you his attention."

Knowing how it also affected him, she dropped her hand over his leg and caressed his leg. "Hmm, understand that," she confessed. She hated when the blond had all his attention. "I believe her, so who cut my power cord and cancel my cards?" She stared up at him as if looking for answers.

"No proof, but I wouldn't put anything past that one," he sighed. "At least I got you back. I can't tell you at this time what is going on. Can you trust me, Andrea?"

"Of course," she breathed. "Oh," she sat up suddenly. "It must have been over the time Levi gave me a shoulder to cry on." She smiled. "He was so kind, we just had one of our little spats and, by the way, I hated them," shaking her head, she lowered her eyes. "I couldn't understand why we were so distant when we were connecting," she looked up at him. "Was I so wrong?" She asked desperately.

"You know you weren't," reaching for her half-drunk tea, he placed it down on a side table, then gathered her up onto his lap and wrapped her in his arms, where she snuggled up against him. His hand caressed her leg as they just held each other, talked and laughed, all rewrites forgotten until they shared a meal, where she did go over what she had written.

"You are a natural at this Andrea," he praised.

"Huh!" She scoffed. "My nerves can't handle it."

"Does the new power cord work?"

"Perfectly. I always seem to get a battery that only lasts for two hours and then dies. They always promise more but never have."

"You can change settings," he pointed out. "Shall I have a look?" She waved him over to her laptop that he opened, and glanced across. 

Trust, there had to be trust, so told him her password. Hadn't he already done the same for her? She was a fool. Standing, she crossed over and settled down on the arm of his chair, watching as he went through the settings, changing a few things to make her battery work longer than before.

"It's just the type of battery you have. How old is this laptop?"

"Three years." He nodded. She leaned forward, placing her arm around his neck. "And?"

"Just getting on, the more you use up space the slower it will work."

"Yes, I know that. I just don't like changing my laptops. I get used to one type, but no, they have to keep updating everything. It's a pain in the butt."

"Andrea," he moaned, leaning back. "You need to keep up with it if you use it as you do. Don't worry about it, I have sorted it out."

Her eyes narrowed, eyeing him off. "What have you done now?"

"Got a new toy for you to play with. It will be waiting for you when we get to Abu Dhabi." She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you."

"What?" He looked at her startled. "No argument? No, I can look after myself?"

"I am learning Shihab there is no point going up against you," she said softly.

The Sheikh's Fantasy Girl - Completed.Where stories live. Discover now