Chapter Two

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The following day someone high up in the government turned up on her doorstep, copying all her documents, taking photos, and sighing off on them. Two days later she had a special delivery of her passport, holding it in her hot little hands. 

Once alone, Andie did a little scream, jumping up and down. She was going to Dubai, to the Middle East. She stilled. What if it wasn't what she expected? Would all her dreams be crushed and never be able to write again? 

Sinking into a chair, she held the passport against her pounding heart, now not so sure.

For days Andie tormented herself over going, she wanted to go, really did, but was scared of the unknown. Mister drop-dead sexy legs wanted her. Not in that way, just as a writer on his movie. His movie. Her book. 

What did she know about scriptwriting? The director was the one in the control seat. 

What if she hated what they did to her book? Maybe this could be the worst mistake of her life.

The phone shrilled. She jerked and spun around, chewing on her lip. Would it be Mr. Sexy? She didn't want to turn into a blabbing idiot. He had that kind of effect on her. She needed to get a grip; it wasn't one of her books.

 What would one of her heroines do? 

Answer the damn phone in a carefree way, you idiot, and be chirpy.

She rushed across. "Yes?" She answered breathlessly like she had been waiting for his call. Damn. "Andrea, speaking."

"Sounds like you're having second thoughts," his voice caressed in her ear, sending her into another panic attack. She knew it! It had to be him and his deep sexy drawl.

"Me?" She squawked and then coughed. "I'm still not sure this is wise Mr. Kadin."

"Shihab," he corrected. "Please call me, Shihab."

"That is a very unusual name, very soft and enchanting."

He laughed, making her warm all over, tingling. "I have never been described as soft and enchanting. Hard-nosed, more like it, ruthless even."

She couldn't stop smiling. "I said your name was," she teased, "not the man." She laughed again when he growled deep in his throat. "Do they really call you that? Hard nose and ruthless, don't see it myself."

"Ah, but you're not going up against me when I want something. I go for the throat." And she believed him.

"And you want me," she said softly, suddenly still.

There was a pregnant pause. "I would never go after you as I do in business. One has to be ruthless in business to survive. You are not my business, you are my pleasure, Andrea May."

She sighed. "I wish you would use my pen name."

"I do prefer Andrea." Something she already knew.

"Well, not in public or I won't go. I must insist that you only call me Andie, if you don't, I won't join you."

"And you call me ruthless."

"Actually, I didn't," she pointed out. "You did." Andie suddenly knew she was going. She was writing about a country she had no real idea about. Travelling there, seeing it for herself, she could experience the genuine thing, yet was still a bit nervous. "Anyway, Shihab, I  didn't ask about accommodation and such things. Would I be expected to share or provide my own lodgings?"

"All your accommodation will be paid for by the company. You need to sign a contract, either hourly or a salary that we can talk over. I have a free evening, so why don't I collect you? We can go out to dinner, and go over the details as long as you are joining me, otherwise, it would be pointless. I can bring the contract with me."

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