Chapter Four

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The limousine pulled up in front of the hotel, and the doors were opened and helped out.

They didn't stop just headed towards the elevators. Followed by a man pushing a trolley with their luggage. The staff nodded at him in greeting. Shihab inclined his head back, guiding Andie into the stunning gold gilded walled elevator and headed up to the tower apartments.

"So this is what a five-star luxurious hotel looks like," she said amazed. "Never thought I would say that." She stood in the middle of a super luxurious main room, too scared to touch anything; while Shihab crossed over and opened the curtains by a press of a button that they rolled back, exposing the most stunning view as far as the eye could see. The desert teasing in the horizon, passed the city from the height of the 129th floor, leaving her gobsmacked, mouth opened. "Or should I say seven-star hotel?"

"Why did you say that?" Shihab gave her a curious glance.

"It's not every day I stay in a place like this," Andie stated.

"Your luggage, sir."

"The lady's in the spare room, mine in the main," Shihab explained, striding towards Andie and tipping her chin, closing her mouth, breaking her out of a trance. She swung around suddenly and went over towards the luggage that was all packed on a trolley, removing her laptop bag and handbag.

"Thank you," she smiled. "Which would be my room?" She inquired. 

Removing her luggage, the valet walked off and she followed down a hallway, stopping at the first door. The valet placed down one bag, and opened the door, letting her enter first, her mouth dropping open again, stopping dead in her tracks. 

She had never seen the likes of it before and this was a guest room. The bed was enormous that she just wanted to dive into it and test it out, however, restrained herself, and went back to join Shihab, who was on the phone.

Placing the laptop and bag into a chair, she joined Shihab at his side, touching his arm. He glanced down. She raised a hand to indicate a drink. Nodding, he reached out, touching her cheek with the back of his hand, then pointed in the opposite direction she had emerged from.

She walked off exploring, while he kept speaking on the phone that hasn't stopped ringing since they had arrived. A man who was very much in demand. Absently, she touched the cheek he had touched that had left behind a tingling sensation. He was so kind to her. Leaving one room she entered another. A kitchen. An actual kitchen with glass front fridges and freezers, top-of-the-range ovens, an island bench, and even a walk-in pantry, with every modern appliance.

She went through another door and found the most beautiful dining room, a long polished table with matching high-backed carved chairs facing another fabulous view. This was more than a hotel suite. Frowning, she crossed over to the window and looked out. This must be one of the Tower residences. 

Not rented, but outright paid for. What had she entered? This was crazy.

Then again, if he did own it, meant he wasn't paying for her stay here. Unless it belonged to a friend or some super-rich Sheikh. Then there is the fact they did fly in on a private plane. So many questions, but no real answers. Time to find out more about the man, who had brought her here. Sighing, she reached out and touched the double glass window, finding it hard to believe she was here.

"Where's my coffee?"

Startled, she swung around, hand on her throat, heart pounding. He was a silent one. "Shihab," she growled in a warning and waved towards the kitchen. "In there somewhere, I was having a sticky."

"A sticky? Really, you do have the strangest sayings."

"A stickybeak, having a look around," she stopped at his side, tilting her head back, looking up at him. "This isn't a hotel suite is it?"

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