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Layla pushed the massive, bronze doors of Glimmerguard closed behind them with a dull boom and the four elves set off down the white-marble corridor. It was more like a roadway than a corridor, decorated with crimson terrazzo zig-zag lines and broad enough for five Dragyn-bats standing shoulder to shoulder. It was quiet, and Jaewyn suspected that the walls were several metres thick. By the steady glowstone light, she could see murals depicting the ancient Rad'El and Khazadaw in battle with Rathgor's armies. The ceiling was lost in shadowy blackness. Although the silence made for a tranquil atmosphere, it also contained a sense of slumber... like a tomb.

"So, what's an amazon doing in a place like this?" Aefion made conversation as they walked. "I thought the amazon tribes were hidden, deep in the forest?" Jaewyn flicked her gaze to Aefion, trying to figure out his angle. On the surface it looked like he was just making casual conversation, but it seemed as though he was also trying to ascertain whether or not they could trust Layla. For all they knew, she could be leading them into a trap.

"My role within amazon society is a scout," Layla replied, airily. "On one patrol I found a cave, an entrance to the Elithnir. On my explorations I discovered this temple..."

"Wait," Jaewyn interrupted. "Did you find another submersible?"

"Oh, I should mention..." Layla's blue stare slid over to Jaewyn. "I'm also a spell-weaver..."

"A spell-weaver?" Aefion was impressed. "So...so you can use magic?"


Aefion was clearly interested in Layla sexually. Jaewyn could tell, easily penetrating his cool and calm attitude. Was this amazon going to be a competitor for his affections? But she could also tell he was being wary of Layla...he was concerned for Zephyrle and wanted information that would lead to her recovery.

"So that means," Layla continued, "I can explore the Elithnir by swimming."

"Must be dangerous though right?" Aefion mused. "All those biteys and other things in the deep..."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"His name for these eel-like creatures," Jaewyn explained jovially.

"Ha. I use a spell...it allows me to breathe underwater. As for creatures... I'm pretty decent with Nyssa. She can beat them off easily enough."

"Do you have any spells that could...well, heal somebody?"

Layla laughed, lightly.

"No...not that type of healing. If your friend was poisoned in the way I'm thinking, you'll have to search the library for the cure."

"So there is a library here," Thalleron confirmed. "If you could take us..."

"Where do you think I'm taking you, mystic?" Layla sneered, a hint of humour in her voice.

"So," Jaewyn decided she needed to keep on Layla's background. "After you discovered this place, you decided to stay? Is it...is this your duty, your mission?"

"Name's Glimmerguard, blood maiden. Ever since its creation, Glimmerguard's stopped monsters from coming up from beneath. When I arrived...yeah I decided to take on this role. I am the guardian of this temple." She sighed, her eyes narrowing as they spotted a tall archway on the righthand side of the corridor. "Someone had to do it..."

The archway was flanked by two bronze-forged statues, one Rad'El, the other Khazadaw, both carrying open books and clad in sleek, strange armour. The Rad'El figure looked distinctly elven, while the Khazadaw resembled a Valhallan.

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