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Jaewyn and Zephyrle wandered through the fungal forest, eyes scanning for the glowcaps. The giant mushrooms were massive, similar size to great oak trees, but the gills underneath their caps shed softly glowing, yellow light. The ground underfoot was soft but firm, a mix of dead fungal detritus and dark green mosses. The forest had the thick, fresh smell of clean air but was quiet. There were few creatures here, only insectoid, fungal-based life forms. This put Jaewyn on edge, primarily due to their previous encounters with the fungoid Grath. She hoped there wasn't a link between them...

"So, about Aefion," Zephyrle began.

"Zeph, now isn't really the time to..."

"Come on, its not like he's listening. Where does he usually hang out?"

Jaewyn inwardly admitted there was no getting out of this now. Once Zeph had mentally latched onto someone, she wouldn't let go until she was satisfied. She stooped and carefully unearthed a small clump of glowcaps.

"I think he likes to spend time at Anarys' pinnacle. He likes to look out over the forest."

"Yeah I thought so..."

Jaewyn narrowed her eyes at that. Had Zephyrle met Aefion before somewhere? Before she could ask, Zephyrle spoke again.

"Anywhere else? He looks like one of those scavengers..."

"You mean Delvers?" Jaewyn reprimanded her.

"Yeah one of those," Zephyrle said sheepishly. "I heard they get to explore the forest, searching ancient ruins for treasures..."

"Yes, like you do," Jaewyn agreed, "with an obvious difference that they do it for the good of the Beltharin."

"Hey! I do it for the good of..."

"Yourself, yes we know." Jaewyn laughed. "Don't deny it, that's what got you trapped down there in Dromkala's vault."

Zephyrle blushed, and looked away, picking up more glowcaps. Jaewyn grinned but put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"But, I will admit, your eye for shinies does have its advantages. Remember how we got into the vault? We never would've got in there if you hadn't climbed up the wall to get that jade statue."

"It was a well hidden lever," Zephyrle agreed. "And that statue does look good on my shelf."

"Idiot," Jaewyn chuckled, shoving handfuls of the glowcaps into the bag.

"Wait...did you hear that?"

Jaewyn raised an eyebrow and glanced around at the surrounding terrain. They were deep in the fungal forest, sounded on all sides by towering, emerald mushrooms. The silence was broken only by the delicate movements of insect-like creatures clambering on the giant mushroom stalks.

"What? I didn't..." Perhaps it hadn't been her imagination after all...

"I heard something move... its probably nothing." Zephyrle turned back to her bag. "I think we've probably got enough..."

Without warning, a tentacle-like limb struck out from the closest giant mushroom, hitting her and sending her flying to crash into another mushroom. Unsheathing Arnjo, Jaewyn's eyes widened in horror as the offending fungal giant seemed to unfold, its massive stalk dividing into insectoid, segmented limbs, numerous, bright green eyes opening and glaring down at them with hostility. The monstrous thing advanced on her, towering over her like a fiendish, fungal spider. From beneath the cap and eyes, mandibles sprouted from a spine-filled maw as the monster skittered forwards to claim its prey. Zephyrle was scrambling to her feet, but Jaewyn stepped between the vile thing and her friend.

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