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As Jaewyn reached the shoreline, she saw Zephyrle and Aefion rushing toward her.

"What's going on, where's Kalethe?" Zephyrle yelled.

"Back to Meela," Jaewyn commanded, "I'll fill you in."


"Now, Zeph, we need to move."

Once they were safely on their way, Starstone Chamber disappearing behind a stream of bubbles, Jaewyn assembled the others on the bridge.

"Ok, so Kalethe sacrificed himself to allow us to escape. This creature, this...Grath, it was one tough bitch. It was huge...but I have to wonder, what was Kalethe doing outside? I thought he..."

"He was in his quarters when I got back," Aefion said. "He must've left Meela..."

"It doesn't make sense." Jaewyn narrowed her eyes. "I'm thinking he left Meela voluntarily...with a purpose in mind."

"I knew there was something off about him the moment I saw him arrive in Elbrooke," Aefion said thoughtfully. "Thought I better give you girls a bit of a heads up."

"It's appreciated," Jaewyn replied, nodding at Aefion. She turned her gaze to the watery darkness around them. Meela's headlamps illuminated the terrain. It was deeper and darker, becoming more rocky as they descended toward Darkwater Defile. The life forms were different too, with a significant lack of fish, replaced by creepy, spider-like crustaceans and eyeless, eel-things wriggling on the seabed. "Pity he still has that Grath artefact...huh, we could've given it to Thalleron to study, find out why the Grath want it back so badly."

"I definitely would've liked to give it an examination," Thalleron agreed. "There'd be a lot to gain from an otherworldly device such as that."

"Well..." Zephyrle sucked in deeply on her bloodsap. "Lucky I took it off him then, isn't it?"

As one, Jaewyn and the others turned and stared at her.


Zephyrle grabbed the bag that she'd been collecting glowcaps in from under her chair and pulled out the Grath artefact. The triangular, lantern-like bauble on its gold-coloured rope hung from her fist, its swirling brass lines and gems winking at them with a strangely magical light. Jaewyn frowned, though she was half pleased at Zephyrle's theft.

"When did you..."

"Thank you, thank you, I know I am a master," Zephyrle chuckled as she stood, and gave a bow. "If you want to know, I took it before we left for our shroomie collecting mission. On that little tour with our good captain Aefion." She winked at him slyly, and he blushed.

Jaewyn rolled her eyes and smiled. She put out her hand and laughed at Zephyrle's pouting face.


The thief stuck her tongue out at Jaewyn as she handed over the artefact. In turn, Jaewyn handed the artefact to Thalleron.

"Be careful with it...but yeah, find out what you can."

"I'll get right on it," the mystic replied, exiting the bridge.

"Ok, well, the plan is to go through Darkwater Defile," Aefion announced, "in the meantime feel free to rest, if you need anything just ask Rudjrik."

"Where will you be?" Jaewyn raised an eyebrow at her half-brother.

"I, uh, I'll be in my quarters...I've got some...paperwork to do."

"Paperwork?" Jaewyn gave him a knowing look.

"Uh...just gotta go through a list of items from some cargo we got recently."

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