Frozen Promises

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Gray's POV

I got up from the cold, hard futon from probably the worst sleep I've had in a while and I'll tell you I've had worse. Sleeping in the same room as that flame brain is bad enough, but sometimes he somehow finds his way on top of me. Well, at least he isn't this time.

I sat up to see the two beds empty. The dragon slayers couldn't be awake? Could they? I tilted my head to the side, thankfully I saw those two piled on top of each other arms and legs intertwined snoring loudly. On the other side of the room, Lucy and Cammie were so still, they looked dead.

I peeped out the curtain to see that the sun had just risen; I guess I could go for a walk or something before everyone wakes up. As I was about to get up, I felt a tight snag on my t-shirt. I pulled trying to free my shirt but the grip didn't loosen. I lifted up the covers to find Krystal's hand wrapped tightly on my t-shirt, I looked up at her face she was still sound asleep. I guess I could wait a little.

A few hours later

Mmmm, I rubbed my eyes at the bright light peeping through the window, I guess I must have fallen asleep.

I looked down to see that Krystal was still sleeping quietly beside me. I felt the grip on my t-shirt loosen and then it became tighter. Krystal pulled herself closer to me, a cold drip of sweat running down her forehead.

My hand seemed to automatically go to her head and I stroked her hair until she stopped trembling. She must be having a nightmare.

Krystal's POV 

"Come on, I'll take you to a special place!" A strong hand was held out in front of me, the sun was setting behind him and cast a shadow over his face. I couldn't see who it was but my hand reached out to him, "Onii-san where are we going?" I asked him curiously as he lead me down the path. There was no response.

My head began to get heavier and my vision became blurry....

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, I looked around frantically for him, but I couldn't see anyone. Beside me was another girl my age, her sunshine blonde hair lay perfectly around her face, "WHY CAN'T I SAY GOODBYE!" I was startled by a harsh voice, so I got up and ran to the window. He was there outside, "I'm sorry you can't, they will be going to Edolas so their memories will be wiped, so she won't remember you anyway." A small old man stopped him in his path.

"Please," he was practically begging now, "Please at least give her this to remember me." He was on his knees, tears streaming down his face and in his hands was a rave stone necklace. "She's all I had! At least give her this so even if she forgets, she can keep this small memory with her!"

The old man pat him on the head, "Alright, I guess this is your final request." The old man took the necklace and entered the carriage I was in, and he put on the necklace for me. Suddenly the carriage began to move...

"DON'T GO!" I shot up from my nightmare, tears streamed down my face and  I breathed heavily as I tried to catch my breath. Gray, who was sitting beside me, looked startled. My hand was still tightly clasped around his t-shirt and I must have pulled him when I woke up. "Sorry..." My words were barely a whisper, but he must have heard since he gave me a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to tell me." Gray pat me on the head and I smiled at his words. I nodded with all the enthusiasm I had, "Let's get this day started!"

Gray waited for me outside the door as I washed up in the bathroom. I fiddled with the necklace around my necklace, who could that person be? It's not the time to think about that! I patted my face as I thought this. I walked through the bedroom as quietly as I could so I wouldn't awaken the sleeping dragons and motionless stars.

As I exited the room, I saw Gray leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. I giggled, should I scare him? I silently crept up on him and, "RAWR!" I pounced him as diligently as a cat. "Woah!" Gray looked shocked and we both lost our footing and fell on the floor.

"Why are the two of you on the floor? Is he harassing you Krystal?" Hibiki and Eve, who had just walked up the stairs as they helped me up and trod on Gray. "No, no, no guys. You've got the wrong idea, we just lost our footing!" I waved my hands in front of me, trying to prove our innocence. 

"Alright then, we made you guys breakfast!" Eve gave us a bright smile and Gray lit up in happiness, "That's cool cos I'm starving!" Just as Gray was about to walk down the stairs, Hibiki and Eve threw their arms in front of him.

"Did we say you could come?" Even though they were both smiling something was very sinister about their attitude with Gray.

We finally made it down the stairs into the dining room and with a load of persuading Gray was allowed to eat with us. "Parfum!" Uwah, Ichiya crept up on me and starting sniffing me, not a great start to the morning's meal. "ICE MAKE KNUCKLE!" 

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Men." Ichiya flew up in the air after Gray's ice hit him right in the face. "SENPAI!" The Trimens were frantically pacing back and forth, waiting for their 'senpai' to land.

After breakfast

"We should head off to Lamia Scale." Gray looked around but Krystal was no where to be found. "Where could she be?" Just as Gray was going to look for her, Krystal ran up to him, smiling. 

"Sorry, were you waiting long?" I gave him a bright smile, "I just had some stuff to do." 

"No, it's fine let's go!" Gray and I began walking out of Blue Pegasus when Hibiki cam running up to us, "You're not going to leave those people here right?" He gestured to the room that we were staying in.

"Don't worry," Gray waved his hand uninterested, "If those guys wake up just tell them we went back to Magnolia." Gray yanked me out of the door, leaving Hibiki to deal with Amber, Cammie, Natsu and Lucy.

Gray's POV 

"Did we have to take the train here." Just after we got off the train Krystal was already dragging her feet since she was still feeling ill from the long train ride. 

I laughed at her current state, "It would take days if we walked!" She playfully punched my arm as I stated the obvious.

But I didn't know was that behind a nearby pillar was a jealous stalker. "Juvia will not let it happen, NEVER!" "Um, excuse me madam my building is going to collapse if you keep gnawing on the pillars." The shopkeeper tried dragging Juvia away from the pillar but her attention was glued to her Gray-sama.

drip drip drop 

I looked up to see that rain was beginning to fall and we still had a little way to go before we reached Lamia Scale. Krystal's hands reached for the hood that she had on her coat and then she realized, "I left my coat at Blue Pegasus!" She sighed, "The rain is so depressing..." 

I took off my coat and put it around her, "Use mine for now, we're nearly there so bear with me." She smiled and then red tinted her cheeks, "Thank you Gray, but did you have to take your top off too!" I looked down to see that I subconsciously took my shirt off too. "AH!"

"Is Lyon Vatsia here?" I leaned over the counter as I asked the receptionist at Lamia Scale where Lyon was. Krystal was waiting patiently behind me when an annoying white haired guy entered the guild.

Lyon's POV 

I entered the guild, dripping wet, after a tough job. As I walked in I saw a familiar black-haired guy but beside him was someone else. Someone I haven't seen before. Hers hands clutched tightly onto the top of what looked like Gray's coat, on her forearm was a Fairy Tail insignia. 

I know everyone from Fairy Tail so who is that? As I got closer I saw a shimmering silver rave stone with a blue gem in the centre, the same one I gave away years ago. The raven black hair, those icy blue eyes, she must be! 

"Krystal!" I wrapped my arm tightly around her. Gray who was standing by the counter was left dumb folded.

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