Celestial Bond

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Krystal's POV


I was awoken by a sudden slam of the guild door. I shot up to see Cammie sprinting out the guild hall in the verge of tears, she was closely followed by Loke. "What happened?" Everyone in the guild looked as confused as me.

"Hmmmm, another lovely girl with splendid parfum speaks," Ichiya scurried over to me but I couldn't control myself, my fist automatically slammed into his face, sending him up in the air.

"Gray, I thought you said she couldn't use magic!" The Trimens were all shocked at my incredible strength, Gray simply shrugged, "What can I say, even if she can't use magic yet, she needs physical strength doesn't she?"

Cammie's POV

"I'm flying off again!" Up in the sky Ichiya soon blasted off becoming a simple sparkle.

Down in the quiet street, I ran at maximum speed not caring where my legs were taking me, I couldn't see anything around around me since my eyes were blurred with tears. I desperately rubbed my eyes as I carried on running through all the streets, before I knew it I ended up in a dark alley. I didn't know where I was, I looked around desperately hoping to find something I recognized to help me return to Blue Pegasus.

Nothing looked familiar. I began walking slowly out of the alley but two shady men stopped me in my path. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out so late?" They both gave me devious grins, I tried to push my way out but they each grabbed my wrists stopping me in my path.

I was terrified; I was defenceless. I tried to reach down to my pocket to get my keys but it was no use my arms wouldn't budge from their tight grips. I mentally prepared myself for the worst but then the men were both knocked out by two strong fists.

Tears began streaming down my face again but in anger and happiness. In front of me stood Loke, out of breath, he ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I tried pushing him away, I hammered his chest with hard fists, but nothing loosed his grip, "Why did it have to be you!" My voice was unstable since tears were overflowing, he was the only person I didn't want to see right now. I couldn't face him not with all I remembered.


"Karen-sensei, can you show me your spirits?" I flashed a bright smile at a beautiful woman with shimmering green hair and deep brown eyes. She returned a bright smile, "Alright, OPEN GATE OF THE LION, LEO!" Out of thin air appeared Loke but he was not like the one I know now. He was gloomier.

His smile was fake, and his eyes were filled with sadness. "Loke, greet Cammie now!" Karen screamed her order at Loke. "I apologies," Loke knelt down on one knee and took my hand, "Pleased to meet you, young lady."

Karen scoffed, she got fed up with him and she simply asked Loke to return to the celestial world. I remember I had so much admiration in Karen who taught me about the celestial world. I guess I was too naive to understand what was really happening in front of my very own eyes.

I was only a child, was I supposed to know right from wrong? The day of Karen's death I remember beating Loke myself, but it didn't hurt him of course, what could a child do? I was so angry; I was stupid. Why did I take it out on him, it was Karen's fault!

I realize now.....

"Loke, I realize now," I looked up into his hazel eyes which were filled with guilt, "It's not your fault, I know it's not. You only did what you thought was right." I gave him a soft smile and he returned the same smile. We both stood in each others arms under the peaceful night sky.

"Cammie," the silence was interrupted by Loke's soft, large hand touching my cheek, "Ever since the day I saw you again I knew it was fate. I knew that we have a Celestial bond." He lowered his head so his eyes were level with mine. He inched closer and our lips were close enough that I felt his warm breath on my lips. I closed my eyes...

"Come on, let's go back to the guild, they're probably worried," I opened my eyes to find Loke's hand wrapped tightly round mine, whilst he half dragged me forward. I noticed a hint of red on the tip of his ears, when I thought about the recent events, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. He was going to kiss me?!

Natsu's POV

"That's it they've been gone too long!c No way am I sitting here leaving Cammie's safety in lover-boy's hands!" Amber leaped out her seat, kicking it behind her. "Yeah I agree!" Krystal tried to leap up in the same manner as Amber but as soon as she rose, she winced in pain.

"No way! You're not going anywhere Krystal." Gray blocked her path with a stern expression on his face. 

"It's cool guys! Amber and I will make sure Cammie comes back safely!" I zoomed off for the guild doors when they slowly opened revealing a slightly battered up Loke and a tear-stained Cammie. Amber pushed both Loke and me out of the way and leaped into Cammie's arms.

"You stupid head," Amber gently tapped Cammie's head, "Where do you think you were going!" She just smiled at Cammie and we all sighed in relief. Lucy returned Loke to the celestial world and an unsettling silence fell on the guild hall.

Gray was about to lean Krystal on his shoulder when Eve quickly slipped in and wrapped his arms around Krystal's waist, "Well I'll be taking Krystal to my room tonight. We have to fix up this wound!" Eve smiled innocently like what he just said was normal but Krystal couldn't get away with her injury.

"Well, if Eve gets Krystal. I wouldn't mind you two lovely celestial wizards coming to my room tonight," Hibiki followed Eve's lead and pulled Lucy and Cammie towards him, shortly after Ren followed the crowd. "Well if you want to, Amber can stay with me," Ren sounded hesitate but he already had an arm around Amber, preventing her from moving.

"And well," Ichiya cut in and pointed towards me and Ice boy, "You can sleep in the street for all I care." Ichiya and the Trimens gave us the cold shoulder, I guess they really don't get along with guys.

Gray and I stood cross-armed and we were going to blow any minute, this isn't the first time this has happened. "It's fine Eve," Gray harshly enunciated Eve's name and grabbed Krystal and threw her over his shoulder, "I can take care of her."

"That's right, Hibiki," Loke, who once again appeared from no where, followed Gray's lead and yanked the wrists of Cammie and Lucy, and wrapped his arms around them protectively, "These are my girls!" Eve and Hibiki both stood speechless to see the girls slip so easily out of their fingers.

Krystal's POV

It looks like my wound was healed by Eve when we were standing together. "Well is nobody gonna save me!" My train of thought was interrupted by an annoyed Amber tapping her foot impatiently. I then thought of a plan to get that dense block to figure out that he needs to help Amber.

I whispered my plan to Gray and we both nodded. We crept up on Natsu, I wrapped my cold hands on his neck and Gray froze the floor over, making Natsu slip over towards Amber. When Natsu was crazily trying to gain his balance he clutched onto Amber's arm, pulling her free from Ren's grasp.

I high fived Gray, but Natsu didn't look so happy, "Damn you frigging ice princesses!" He waved his fist at us and we burst out laughing. 

Hibiki showed us up to the room and gave us 4 extra futons for us. When we were about to decide who should get the beds, you guessed it, the dragons slayers were in a deep slumber and they were sprawn across the beds. 

"Well it's decided then, Gray and I will sleep near the window since we don't feel the cold, and you and Lucy can sleep further in where it's warmer," we all lay out our futons in our designated areas and drifted off into a long awaited sleep.

Thank you dear readers! We're over 100 reads already, can I just say I love you guys. <3

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see ya in the next one! xx

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