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hello, my loves!

so, I live in America, and today the FCC, a government organization known for its attempts to censor and filter content in the media and television and such, has voted 3/2 for repealing Net Neutrality, a set of rules established in 2015.

If you didn't know already, Net Neutrality is not a big set of rules that limit what Internet Service Providers (Verizon, Comcast, etc.) can do, but rather it just says what they can't do. These rules make it so that the internet is a free, open source of information that cannot be censored or manipulated, etc.

Today, the repeal itself does not mean that ISPs are immediately going to start censoring content or blocking sites or charging for sites, but rather it gives them the power to possibly do so in the future. Also, if an ISP decides they don't like what some websites are preaching, they may decide to censor that particular content to their customers. It is not about ISPs having the power, the issue is what they will do with that power.

(in fact, the repeal still has to
pass through new regulation before anything happens; this repeal is a process.)

I am not usually an advocate when it comes to politics or things like that, but years ago it was decided that the internet was a basic human right. We all deserve to be able to search for information, apply for jobs, watch funny videos, or listen to music. We deserve a platform where are voices can be heard and our ideas can flourish.

Today, I am an advocate for Net Neutrality. I think it's important that everyone be able to reach other parts of the world from their little corners. I think it's important for competition between social media platforms, I think it's important that people get to share their voice, and I think it's important that everyone be able to use the internet in whatever way they please, so long as those actions aren't harming anyone else.

My point is, I guess, that nobody should freak out yet, but don't stop thinking it will go away. I think we all need to be educated a little on the matter, I think we all need to be aware of what is happening. This won't just affect Americans, it will affect people everywhere.

I connect with people in different countries all the time through the free internet. So, for people in other countries to think this isn't happening to them either, they are wrong.

I strongly encourage you all: educate yourself on the topic, casually spread the word, and don't let anyone intimidate you.

This isn't the end of the internet, at least not yet. This isn't the end of anything. Just keep your head high, keep net neutrality a trending topic, and let the world hear your voice because they can.

(you can message me about this topic if anything confuses you or if you have questions or if you want to discuss it!)

Barry Allen x Flash | imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon