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Warning: mature content and language
third person
word count: 7,422
8:34 pm | you could never be happy with anyone because of those powers of yours

Your fingers touched the stems of the flowers, and you watched as the dullness of their colors brightened to your touch. Pollen littered the space underneath the pot, and you smiled as the orchid's purple color seemed to be neon violet again. When you pulled your hand away, your fingertips were stained a light green, a sparkling yellow. The color faded after a few seconds, and you pulled yourself out of your seat.

You were currently at work, after closing time. You worked at the most popular flower shop in Central City, and it was nearing February, the most demanding time of the year. You had stayed after hours to freshen up the flowers. Without the manager in, you were able to do it without the fixed water and just used your fingers. Your manager always came in the next day praising you for your green thumb. You knew you couldn't tell him why the flowers really looked so beautiful; if only he knew how green your thumb really was.

You don't remember how you got your powers, but you had an idea. It was a cold night in Central City, and you were at the university studying for your degree. You were in the makings to become a botanist. A lot of people would laugh at you for the degree, but you didn't mind. No one had to understand, only you did. You were fascinated with the green world, all the wonder that lied between leaves and the flowers that adorned them. The aroma and toxicity of them, how beautiful they could look but how evil they really were. The night you got your powers wasn't one out of the ordinary; only that the particle accelerator was going to be in motion by the end of it.

You gripped your pencil between your teeth, staring down at the reference book in front of you. You had a big paper due the next day, and you were having trouble finishing the last body paragraph. It was about toxicity in plants, and you were using an example plant: kalmia latifolia. In layman's terms, it was called the mountain laurel or spoonwood. When consumed, an individual could die within a short amount of time, not without suffering horrible symptoms before then.

You had the plant in your hand, and you were looking at it for inspiration. You sighed, the pencil falling from your mouth and landing on your notebook. You stared at it, grimacing. The coffee cup beside you was steaming, the hot vapor tickling you underneath your nose.

"Can't you just write my report for me?" You whispered to the flower. The plant did not reply, not to your surprise. Your phone began ringing, and you noticed Iris West's name glitter on the screen. You couldn't answer the phone, you didn't want to get distracted. Suddenly, you felt the air around you grow tight almost, like the pressure was increasing. You looked around, gripping the plant tighter. You didn't notice the coffee in your cup lift as if there was no longer gravity.

Suddenly, your eyes rolled back in your head, and you fell out of your chair and onto the floor. You didn't remember anything after that, just the vision of your coffee dripping off the desk as you gripped the plant to your chest, your eyes closing as you went unconscious.

You opened your eyes after remembering the night. Iris had found you a few hours after. Her call going unanswered had her worried, and she told you that she had found you unconscious with the toxic plant in your hands. You were taken to the hospital, and you remembered not being the only one admitted into it that night. Apparently, the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator had malfunctioned, and strange instances were being rumored to happen throughout the whole night.

Now, it was much later, and you realized you weren't the only one with powers. Those with powers were called metahumans, and the CCPD had even opened a whole deapartment specifically to deal with them. Their weapons? Supplied from S.T.A.R. Labs itself.

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